
Monday, July 25, 2011

Fr Katongo urges Zambians to join corruption fight

Fr Katongo urges Zambians to join corruption fight
By Kombe Chimpinde
Mon 25 July 2011, 13:59 CAT

ZAMBIANS should seriously and consciously get involved in fighting corruption because its success is dependent on their participation, says Fr Kennedy Katongo.

Fr Katongo is the chairperson of the Justice, Peace and Integrity Creation of the Mission of Mary Immaculate in Zambia. He, in an interview, urged Zambians not to exhibit apathy to the fight against corruption but remain conscious and vigilant to acts of corruption.

Fr Katongo said it was saddening that Zambians were not utilising the law that seeks to protect whistle-blowers of corrupt acts meant to challenge those involved in the vice as well as champion transparency and accountability in the public sector.

“The best example I can give is a man who experiences power blackout in his house. When such a person does not do anything to ensure that power is restored, they suddenly start seeing a bit of light. It is the same with poverty. Those that have lived in it for a long time, suddenly start feeling normal,” Fr Katongo said. “Unfortunately corruption in Zambia is also slowly becoming normal and as responsible citizens, we need to take great responsibility for day-to-day running of the country so that we can challenge any forms of corruption. Let us see how we can speak against this vice in societies where we live.”

Fr Katongo, who is also Parochial Vicar of St Michaels Church in Kalabo said the first step to fighting corruption was to ensure that citizens that were eligible to vote and elect leaders with integrity into political office.

“Corruption undermines the core values of good governance which are accountability and transparency. Corruption does not show respect to common good of citizens, thereby retarding development and good governance. This is why Zambians must endeavour to fight corruption through their vote,” Fr Katongo said. “This should be done by voting for leaders with integrity, leaders that have a well formed conscience.”

Fr Katongo said leadership must not just be about being in power but about one’s ability and passion to champion the interests and common good of the electorate rather than about what benefits one was going to accrue from such an office.

He said there was critical need for all Zambians to make corruption a campaign issue.

“Let us ensure we vote for leaders that will secure meaningful development and not development that is just on paper. Zambians must refrain from voting for leaders without integrity,” he said. “We need high levels of integrity and transparency in public life because corruption in Zambia has become a national sport. Ministers are now stealing state resources in broad daylight for campaign activities in the name of inspecting government projects.”

Fr Katongo said through the Justice and Peace group in Kalabo, he was going round the area to raise issues pertaining to corruption and good governance so that people are enlightened on the issues.

“We are going out to speak against these vices so that people in Kalabo are enlightened about what is obtaining on the ground regardless of their low levels of education,” said Fr Katongo.

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