
Monday, July 25, 2011

Gender inequality not only Africa’s problem, says KK

Gender inequality not only Africa’s problem, says KK
By Moses Kuwema
Sun 24 July 2011, 14:00 CAT

DR Kenneth Kaunda says the problem of gender inequality is not only in Africa but everywhere around the world.

Speaking when he received a US $10,000 donation from the Lions Club for the Kenneth Kaunda Children of Africa Foundation at his office yesterday, Dr Kaunda said it was not only Africa that had remained behind in getting mothers to do things that they know they are able to do.

“It took a long time for the British to have their women do certain things and so it is not only Africa that has been behind in getting mothers to do things that they know they are able to do but because of what we men think we are. We want to kick them down forgetting that we are in women's wombs for nine months. And when we get out we begin pointing fingers, this woman, this woman,” Dr Kaunda said.

Dr Kaunda said he was proud of District Governor for the Lions club Christine Kasonde adding that he would like her to succeed because her success would mean a lot, not only to Zambia, but the whole of Africa.

And Kasonde said the organisation decided to make the donation to the foundation following their international president’s visit to Zambia, whom she said was impressed with the work Dr Kaunda was doing in fighting HIV and AIDS.

“As you know, when you serve the community, the first thing is service. He (Lions president) was touched and used his powers and pledged US $ 10,000 to help you to proceed with the plans that you have. We are proud as Lions to associate with your foundation,” said Kasonde.

Kasonde said the Lions Club had established itself in rural areas and had facilities to help the Kenneth Kaunda children of Africa Foundation move its programmes.

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