
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Join calls for change, Scott urges Zambians

Join calls for change, Scott urges Zambians
By Misheck Wangwe in Solwezi West
Wed 27 July 2011, 14:00 CAT

THE country is being led by crooks and every responsible citizen must join calls for change of government, says Guy Scott. Speaking at a rally in Lumwana mining area, Dr Scott, who is PF vice-president, said the MMD was being uprooted in rural areas because people were tired of politics of empty promises.

He said the poverty situation in the country was a testament to the fact that Zambians had been taken for granted by the MMD government for too long.

Dr Scott said as the country heads to the polls, the electorate must realise that the country would never prosper if President Rupiah Banda’s corrupt leadership were given a chance to remain in government.

He said young people in North Western Province were failing to find jobs because the government had deliberately chosen to forget about them while their parents were struggling to get adequate farming inputs.

“How can one justify the levels of unemployment here in Lumwana area where the MMD is busy boasting that it has attracted huge foreign direct investment? How can one justify the sufferings farmers here are going through due to lack of fertiliser and market for their produce?

People of Lumwana, I implore you to reflect deeply about your sufferings and get on the PF boat because everyone has seen that the PF will change things for the better in this country,” Scott said.

And former North Western Province minister Bert Mushala said the MMD deserved to be voted out of government because the current leadership had no regard for the values of democracy and good governance.

Mushala, who is also former MMD Mufumbwe member of parliament said many prominent politicians had defected from the MMD to join the PF because its leaders had destroyed the ideals on which the party was founded.

“I left the MMD because I saw that my people here were not benefiting anything. I did whatever I could as minister to bring development. But now it is clear that this government was not committed to developing North Western Province. We have minerals but they are used to develop other areas and our people are left with nothing. It’s now time for Zambians to vote for the PF, which has a clear vision of development,” Mushala said.

And Mandevu member of parliament Jean Kapata said the people of North Western should not pay attention to the malicious campaigns of the MMD against the PF.

She said the MMD was telling lies about the PF because the party had proved to the country that it was capable of delivering the much needed development, especially in rural areas.

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