
Saturday, July 09, 2011

Lameck Mangani quits government, MMD

COMMENT - Another MMD head moving to the PF. 'Let's see' what happens in the next few days.

Lameck Mangani quits government, MMD
By George Chellah
Sat 09 July 2011, 14:59 CAT

LAMECK Mangani has resigned from the MMD and government. In a letter to President Rupiah Banda dated July 8, 2011, Mangani, who is Chipata Central member of parliament and works and supply deputy minister, stated that he had resigned with immediate effect.

“I have the honour to address, Your Excellency, in connection with the above matter and hereby wish to tender my resignation with immediate effect from the position of deputy minister works and supply,” Mangani stated.

“I take this opportunity to thank you most sincerely for the confidence, Your Excellency, reposed in me by this appointment and the earlier appointment when you promoted me to the position of Minister of Home Affairs.”

Mangani stated that it was a great honour and privilege for him to serve the people of Zambia through these appointments.

“I am also grateful to the late president Mwanawasa who first appointed me deputy minister of mines and mineral development and later transferred me to the Eastern Province as provincial minister and subsequently Lusaka provincial minister,” Mangani stated.

“I think to have been given the privilege of working in six (6) ministries in a period of five years was exciting notwithstanding some ups and downs that I might have experienced during this tour of duty. I wish to assure you of my loyalty to the people of Zambia as we continue serving them in our various capacities.”

And in his letter dated July 8, 2011 to MMD national secretary Major Richard Kachingwe, Mangani stated that that he had withdrawn his party membership.

“This note serves to inform you that after careful consideration and thorough consultations with family members and many other stakeholders, I have decided to terminate my membership in the Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) with immediate effect. Arriving from this action, I have equally withdrawn my candidature as an MMD aspiring candidate for the Chipata Central Constituency,” Mangani stated.

“I, therefore, take this opportunity to thank you and the general membership at large for the support rendered to me during the period of service to the party. I appreciate what you personally did by travelling to Chipata to resolve most of the issues surrounding me.

“I am aware you did that with your personal conviction that harmony should prevail in the party. Nevertheless, I think I have endured a lot considering what I have gone through from the time I was elected member of parliament for Chipata Central Constituency. I feel this is the time for me to move on and choose my own political destiny.”

Mangani also thanked the people of Chipata, who voted for him as their member of parliament under the MMD ticket.

“Furthermore, I wish to thank the constituency executive committee for the support they rendered to me both during hard times and moments of happiness. With their confidence they recently listed me as their preferred candidate for the 2011 tripartite elections,” Mangani stated.

“I wish also to appreciate the district as well as the Eastern Province executive committee for their support. Lastly, but not least, I wish to extend my thanks to the general membership of the party in Eastern Province for their support particularly when I served as the provincial chairman of the party.”

And when reached for comment, Mangani said he would be consulting his supporters in Chipata and would be announcing his next move soon.

“I will be making the announcement in Chipata in the next few days after consultations with my people,” said Mangani.

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