
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

(LUSAKATIMES) Namulabe dismisses road contract corruption allegations by Sata

Namulabe dismisses road contract corruption allegations by Sata
TIME PUBLISHED - Monday, July 25, 2011, 9:33 pm

Works and supply minister Gabriel Namulambe has dispelled assertions by Patriotic Front leader Michael Sata that the company contracted to work on the Mumbwa-landless corner road was awarded the contract through corrupt means.

Recently, Patriotic Front leader Michael Sata demanded an urgent review of road contracts, blaming president Rupiah Banda and Nchelenge Member of Parliament Ben Mwila for the failed Mumbwa Landless corner road project. It is alleged that the project was awarded to Wade Adams, a laboratory testing company belonging to Mr Mwila who is believed to have failed to perform.

Speaking at a media briefing in Lusaka today, Mr. Namulambe, who expressed ignorance on the awarding of the contract to Mr. Mwila’s company, says regardless of who is awarded the contract, it should be understood that contracts are awarded to the best evaluated bidder.

Mr. Namulambe says the auditor general is at liberty to audit the whole contract awarding process to ascertain if there were irregularities.

Meanwhile Mr Namulambe who is also MMD chairman for elections says some individuals in the party who have not been adopted have found it hard to accept because they had bribed some people prior to the adoption process.

Mr. Namulambe says what is happening in the party following the adoption process is normal.

He has told Journalists in Lusaka today that unsuccessful candidates will cry out but that the ruling party’s national executive committee will not rescind its decision because it’s final.

Mr. Namulambe wonders how genuine those members of the party rejecting the adopted candidates are noting that genuine party members would not dispute any decision made by the NEC.

And Mr. Namulambe, who is also Mpongwe Member of Parliament says with the 42, 000 voters in his area, he will convincingly retain the seat contrary to media reports that he has been rejected.


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