
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

More tsunamis will hit MMD, says Nawakwi

More tsunamis will hit MMD, says Nawakwi
By Kombe Chimpinde
Tue 12 July 2011, 12:01 CAT

LAMECK Mangani’s resignation from the MMD and government is an indication of more tsunamis that will hit the ruling party, says Edith Nawakwi. Commenting on former works and supply deputy minister and Chipata parliamentarian Lameck Managani’s resignation from the MMD in an interview, Nawakwi who is FDD president, predicated more “tsunamis” of a high political magnitude in form of defections from the MMD.

She said a rude shock was awaiting President Banda and his puppets in the MMD who would have to find frogs to fill up nominations for the local government and parliamentary elections as more credible people continued to leave the ruling party.

“When we sympathised with President Banda and campaigned for him in 2008; campaigns which created him, he thought we were desperate. Now the people and MMD members whose loyalty he decided to betray will dismantle him,” Nawakwi, who is one of the founders of MMD, said.

“The resignation of a minister slotted on the top list of MMD’s strongholds (constituencies), simply means MMD is going, that’s the only thing.”

Nawakwi said MMD should admit that the resignation of Sylvia Masebo, who was until her resignation MMD’s Chongwe member of parliament and women’s affairs chairperson in the party’s National Executive Committee, Mangani and many more others to come was a fix and the last of the days Zambians were ever hearing of the MMD.

“More tsunami’s are coming. In fact, some tsunamis will be that on the day of nominations, MMD will find that there are frogs and blanks.
It’s “don’t kubeba” (don’t tell them),” she said.

“He (President Banda) will think honourable XXX is my friend and is going to file on MMD just to find that is not the case.”

She wondered what members like deputy national secretary, Chembe Nyangu, who President Banda had so much trust in, had to say now over the turn of events. She said the resignation of a minister months before elections should not be played down.

“Mangani’s resignation is just the beginning of a long chorus that President Banda and his puppets asked for it. President Banda should now begin waiting for the counting of votes where he may find none for him,” Nawakwi said.

“We the senior citizens who he has called desperate will keep quiet until the vote is counted.”

Nawakwi said wrong advisors had isolated President Banda from reality that he was handing over power after elections by not telling him what was on the ground.

“This is what happens when one surrounds himself with people that do not have direction. President Banda has surrounded himself with muppets and puppets, and he will remain isolated. This is what happened in 1991 when Kaunda was being told that he was popular when he was not,” warned Nawakwi.

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