
Saturday, July 09, 2011

PF’s growing popularity a source of insomnia for MMD, says Lubinda

PF’s growing popularity a source of insomnia for MMD, says Lubinda
By Bright Mukwasa
Sat 09 July 2011, 12:59 CAT

THE growing popularity of the PF has become a source of insomnia for the MMD, says Kabwata PF member of parliament Given Lubinda. Lubinda said machinations to estrange the Patriotic Front would not work.

“The growing popularity of the party has undoubtedly become a source of insomnia for MMD strategists and propagandists. They will stop at nothing in trying to create antagonism amongst us,” Lubinda told journalists during a media briefing yesterday.

“At some point they stated that Mbita Chitala, Mike Mulongoti and George Mpombo were being preferred by Mr Sata instead of the long standing leaders of the party; then they claimed that new comers were to take over positions of leadership at the conference. Now they are alleging that we cannot trust Mbita, Mike and George. How inconsistent?”

He congratulated Sata on his election as party president and the PF general membership for the just-ended successful general conference held at Mulungushi Rock of Authority in Kabwe.

Lubinda, who has complained to the police, also dismissed the email circulating on the Zambian Watchdog allegedly authored by him to PF secretary general Wynter Kabimba arguing over the US$45 million the party allegedly received from Taiwan and Afghanistan for campaigns, among other issues.

“What a pity that in the pursuit of cheap political mileage the authors of this poorly written email can go to an extent of risking the security of innocent individuals by alleging that they are to be couriers of laundered money. Shame upon them,” he said.

“It is my hope that ZNBC, Daily Mail and Times of Zambia will follow the investigations with equal vigour to the one they exerted on the allegation. It is time that they proved their journalistic prowess by ensuring that they assist investigating wings of government through in depth searching for the truth.”

He also said the government was on one hand sponsoring its minions to make wild allegations against the Catholic Church while pretending to make amends with it, a church which has been called names through education minister Dora Siliya.
PF’s growing popularity a source of insomnia for MMD, says Lubinda

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