
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Rev M’bao links poverty to politics of deceit

Rev M’bao links poverty to politics of deceit
By Misheck Wangwe in Kitwe
Wed 20 July 2011, 13:59 CAT

POLITICS of deceit and manipulation is the root cause of poverty and underdevelopment in Zambia, says Reverend Richard M’bao. In an interview, Rev M’bao, who is Pastors Forum for Eastern and Southern Africa chairperson, said Zambians must vote for leaders that would spearhead good governance and heed people’s cries over the constitution.

Rev M’bao said it was distressing to note that African countries like Zambia with abundant mineral wealth were still lagging behind in terms of development because of the insincerity of leaders in development.

He said the electorate must vote wisely and make the country a better place by voting for leaders that would fight corruption vigorously and put up a credible constitution that would allow the general populace to take an upper hand in the governance of the country.

“What Zambia needs is sincere leadership. There is massive political rhetoric going on with leaders trying to portray a picture that the country is doing very well politically and economically when in fact not. Corruption, poverty, injustice and political oppression are still the main challenges that leaders have failed to curb. This should be at the back of every voter’s mind as the country goes to the polls,” Rev M’bao said.

He said Zambia had no shortage of credible leaders that were ready to drive the agenda of the people in the economic, social and political transformation of the country.

Rev M’bao said it was a shame that with abundant mineral resources and massive direct foreign investment, many Zambians were struggling to survive because of inept governance system.

He said the country was in need of strong leaders that would give power to the people for the betterment of the country.

“My appeal to the people of Zambia is that they should demand for credible leaders. The country needs a leadership that will provide relief and restore dignity in the lives of many people, a leadership that would restore the integrity and independence of the judiciary, the public media, law enforcement agencies and other state institutions,” said Rev M’bao.

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