
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Rupiah turns to PF ‘rebels’ for Lusaka seats

Rupiah turns to PF ‘rebels’ for Lusaka seats
By Staff Reporters
Thu 21 July 2011, 14:00 CAT

PF rebel members of parliament have been adopted to contest seats in Lusaka because most MMD members were uninterested to apply on the ruling party’s ticket for fear of losing, it has been revealed. And President Rupiah Banda has reiterated his warning to MMD NEC members against leaking information to The Post or any protest by those not adopted.

Highly placed sources within the MMD’s national executive committee (NEC) yesterday disclosed that the party resorted to PF rebel parliamentarians because there were no credible applicants for those seats.

“The party faced serious problems during the adoption process, as there were no convincing candidates to field in certain constituencies in Lusaka,” the source said. “We just didn’t have people we could proudly say were suitable candidates to run in those constituencies in the forthcoming general elections.”

The source said Lusaka was the worst in terms of adoptions because people were uninterested to apply on the MMD ticket.

“Most of our party loyalists were basically saying that it would be a waste of time and resources to stand on the MMD ticket in Lusaka because capital city seems unfriendly to the MMD,” the source said.

“Therefore, they decided to stay away from applying. It’s on that basis that we had to head hunt and bring in people who didn’t even apply to stand in those constituencies like Dr Peter Machungwa Kabwata and Majory Masiye Munali. Equally, Faustina Sinyangwe was adopted for Matero because we didn’t have credible candidates among the MMD loyalists. Actually even the calibre of those who applied was extremely low.”

The source said the party encountered a similar situation on the Copperbelt.

“If you check the list of adopted candidates, there was no way the party could have picked certain names in a normal situation,” the source said.

“As we speak, Kasama Central Constituency and Kantanshi in Mufulira have no applicants.”

And the source disclosed that President Banda has urged MMD members to work hard in the forthcoming general elections.

“The President advised us that we should work together and ensure that we win since we already had a winning team,” the source said.

“Of course, he also warned against leakages to The Post. The President cautioned us that measures have been put in place to curb leakages. Therefore, whoever was going to leak the deliberations of the meeting would easily be identified.”

Home affairs deputy minister Gaston Sichilima, who was a lone applicant and interviewee for his Mbala seat, was outrightly rejected by the NEC in favour of Northern Province permanent secretary Mwalimu Simfukwe who was adopted to be the MMD’s flag bearer despite not applying nor sitting for interviews.

The sources said the adoptions were made based primarily on the recommendations from NEC officials who were dispatched across the country recently rather than what had been decided upon during the interviews at the lower organs of the party. But in some cases, even the NEC members who undertook the assignment felt that President Banda had his own preferred candidates list of which he imposed on the NEC.

“In short, adoptions such as the one involving Ben Mwila, Peter Machungwa and Marjory Masiye had the influence of the President. And as NEC, we merely had to implement the President’s bidding,” the source said.

“It’s a fact that we did not have strong enough candidates in Munali and Kabwata. I think we had a Bishop Mtonga in Munali and Kaisale in Kabwata. The President saw in it an opportunity to bring in the likes of Machungwa and others.”

The source said the party had deferred adoptions for Kasama and Kantanshi because they felt that they did not have credible candidates to upset the PF in the two constituencies.

“It is well known within our party ranks that GBM (PF’s Geoffrey Mwamba) is very strong there, so we can’t just get anyone to go and stand there. In fact, we did not even have any applicants there. There are suggestions that we should try our national secretary Major Kachingwe to stand there, although he lost in 2006,” said the sources.

Some prominent deputy ministers and MMD members of parliament who have been left out on the adoptions include Central Province minister Ackimson Banda, deputy home affairs minister Gaston Sichilima, foreign affairs deputy minister Prof Fashion Phiri, gender deputy minister Lucy Changwe, community development deputy minister Friday Malwa, justice deputy minister Todd Chilembo and Mansa-Central MMD member of parliament Chrispine Musosha.

When reached for comment, Banda, who is outgoing MMD Serenje-Central member of parliament said he had no hard feelings for being left out.

Sichilima said he had nothing against the adoption process and would support the adopted candidate Mwalimu Simfukwe.

According to sources in Northern Province, Sichilima, who is also MMD Mbala member or parliament, was the only person that applied to stand on the ruling party ticket and attended interviews at constituency, district and provincial levels.

However, the sources said the party leadership at constituency and district levels recommended to a special team of ministers sent by the NEC not to adopt Sichilima because he was unpopular and recommended that Simfukwe must, instead, be adopted.

The sources said based on the grassroots recommendation, the NEC adopted Simfukwe, who never even applied or attended the interview.

Simfukwe, who was MMD’s parliamentary candidate in the Kanyama by-elections a few years ago in Lusaka but lost to PF, was appointed permanent secretary for his homeland of Northern Province amidst public outcry against President Banda’s appointment of party cadres’ into civil service.

Sources said Simfukwe used his government portfolio to lay ground for his bid to run for parliamentary elections in Mbala.

And Musosha thanked the people of Mansa and President Banda for having given him the opportunity to serve the people, while Chilembo said he had no comment.

Chifunabuli PF ‘rebel’ member of parliament and outgoing deputy chairperson of parliamentary committees, Ernest Mwansa refused to comment on his rejection by the MMD.

Meanwhile, former Sesheke district commissioner and preferred candidate for Mulobezi constituency in Western Province, Mwiya Wanyambe, has resigned from the MMD to contest the parliamentary seat as an independent candidate.

In an interview, Wanyambe said he would follow the will of the people as they had already made a decision that they did not want Michael Mabenga.

“I will go along with the people themselves, I am quiet ready to even go as an independent,” Wanyambe said.

A senior MMD official in the Southern Province executive committee said President Banda’s dictatorship had made the party weaker for this year’s elections over the adoption process.

The official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the decision to field Ministry of Health official Dr Victor Mukonka, who did not even attend the provincial selection interview, was a grave political mistake.

“We wanted to listen to the will of the people by giving them their preferred candidate Judith Hambwezya but RB has dictated and given us Dr Victor Mukonka,” the source said.

In Namwala and Livingstone constituencies, MMD officials said the adopted candidate Major Robbie Chizyuka, a former UPND ‘rebel’ parliamentarian, would make the party lose elections.

However, MMD Namwala chairperson Nelson Mawani said he would abide by the NEC decision to field Chizyuka who was rejected at all levels of the adoption process in the province.

In Livingstone the provincial committee’s preferred candidate Grace Shafick was rejected by NEC for Liamba Katombora.

Below is the full list of those adopted under the MMD.

Vice-President George Kunda will run for the Muchinga seat in Serenje with Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly Mutale Nalumango recontesting her Kaputa seat.

Information minister Ronnie Shikapwasha will defend his Keembe seat, while home affairs minister Mkhondo Lungu will re-contest Lundazi.

Other ministers who will recontest their seats are Eustarckio Kazonga (Vubwi), Peter Daka (Msanzala), Bradford Machila (Kafue), Felix Mutati (Lunte), Kenneth Konga (Chavuma), Kapembwa Simbao (Senga Hill) and Sarah Sayifwanda (Zambezi East).

Finance minister Dr Situmbeko Musokotwane, who was a nominated member of parliament, has been adopted to contest the Liuwa seat, which is currently held by deputy energy minister, Hastings Imasiku.

Others are labour minister, Austin Liato (Kaoma Central), Professor Geoffrey Lungwangwa (Nalikwanda), Michael Kaingu (Mwandi), Catherine Namugala (Isoka East), Kabinga Pande (Kasempa), Maxwell Mwale (Malambo), Dora Siliya (Petauke Central), Dr Brian Chituwo (Mumbwa), Gabriel Namulambe (Mpongwe), Kenneth Chipungu (Rufunsa), Joseph Mulyata (Mongu Central), Albert Mulonga (Lupososhi), Elijah Muchima (Mwinilunga West), Richard Mwapela (Kalabo Central) and Mundia Ndalamei (Sikongo).

The rest are Isaac Banda (Lumezi), Angela Cifire (Luangeni), Simon Kachimba (Luanshya), Mwansa Mbulakulima (Chembe), John Chinyanta (Mambilima), Given Mung’omba (Mpulungu), Brian Sikazwe (Chimbamilonga), Daniel Kalenga (Kabompo West), Richard Taima (Solwezi East), Mwendoi Akakandelwa (Mangango), Mubika Mubika (Sinjembela), Moses Muteteka (Chisamba), David Phiri (Mkaika), Michael Mabenga (Mulobezi), Allan Mbewe (Chadiza) and Dr Chrisopher Kalila (Lukulu East).
The new entrants include Rosaria Fundanga (Chilubi), Charles Mututwa (Senanga Central), Trymore Mweenda (Chikankata), Dr Patrick Chikusu (Katuba), Dr Victor Mukonka (Monze Central), Noah Siasimuna (Siavonga), Muti Beyani (Sinazongwe), Laiveni Apuleni (Mbabala), Dr Canisius Banda (Mandevu), Daniel Chisala (Luapula), Japhen Mwakalombe (Chongwe), Chileshe Kapwepwe (Chinsali), Humphrey Musonda (Malole), Danny Chisanga (Mpika Central) and Sunday Chanda (Kanchibiya).
Other candidates adopted are Godfrey Pende (Bwacha), Jane Chileshe (Kabwe Central), Lawrence Zimba (Kapiri-Mposhi), Musonda Mutale (Mkushi South), Bornwell Matawe (Mwembsehi), Professor Luke Kanyomeka (Nangoma), Mushili Malama (Chitambo), Maxwell Kabanda (Serenje), Trudy Ng’andu (Chililabombwe), Christon Mwape (Nchanga), Spartan Msowoya (Kalulushi), Ronald Manenga (Chimwemwe), Itayi Chinkuli (Kamfinsa), Joseph Malanji (Kwacha), Divo Katete (Nkana) and Goodward Mulubwa (Roan).

The list of candidates also include Shadreck Musozya (Kankoyo), Evans Chibanda (Mufulira), E Chishiba (Kafulafuta), Anne Chungu (Lufwanyama), Michael Katambo (Masaiti), Kelvin Chaume (Bwana Mkubwa), Frank Ng’ambi (Chifubu), Rapson Kopulande (Kabushi), Emmanuel Mulenga (Ndola Central), Darious Mumba (Chama North), George Lungu (Chama South), Mtolo Phiri (Chipata Central), Victoria Kalima (Kasenengwa), Yotamu Banda (Chasefu), Dr Chisha Bulangeti (Pambashe), Dr Chitalu Chilufya (Mansa Central) , Jonathan Kapungwe (Chipili), M Mpampi (Chiengi), and Sunday Maluba (Mwansabombwe).
Additional new entrants include Sylvester Chimfwembe (Bangweulu), Chileya Kapekele (Chifunabuli), Daniel Chisala (Luapula), Donald Chilufya (Chawama), Yohane Mwanza (Kanyama), Muhabi Lungu (Lusaka Central), Bernard Mpundu (Lukashya), George Mwamba (Lubansenshi), Mwalimu Simfukwe (Mbala), M Songolo (Mfuwe), Brian Mundubile (Mporokoso), Danny Chingimbu (Kabompo East), Stephen Masumba (Mufumbwe), Newton Samakayi (Mwinilunga East), Lucky Mulusa (Solwezi Central), Prisca Pulu (Zambezi West), Joshua Simuyandi (Pemba), Chisangano Malungo (Gwembe), Sebastian Hambokoma (Dundumwezi), and Sikaduli Munsaka (Kalomo Central).

Other new entrants include Siachona Simalonga (Choma), Jelasi Sikonda (Katombora), Lloyd Jembo (Mapatizya), Lukulo Katombola (Livingstone), Bevin Mweene (Magoye), Maxwell Mwiinga (Mazabuka Central), Bbuku Tsibu (Bweengwa), Isabel Nanja (Moomba), David Diangamo (Itezhi-Tezhi), Mutti Beyani (Sinazongwe), Misheck Mutelo (Lukulu West), Mwangala Mahopo (Luena), Catherine Akayomboka (Nalolo) and Frank Kufakwandi (Sesheke).

The former PF MPs who have been adopted include Elizabeth Molobeka (Kawambwa), Besa Chimbaka (Bahati), Dr Jacob Chongo (Mwense), Dr Peter Machungwa (Kabwata), Faustina Sinyangwe (Matero), Marjory Mwape (Munali), Major Celestino Chibamba (Shiwang’andu) while UPND Luampa member of parliament Josephine Limata will re-contest her seat on the MMD ticket.

National Democratic Focus President and Nchelenge member of parliament Ben Mwila and Forum for Democracy and Development Sinda member of parliament Levy Ngoma will defend their seats on the MMD ticket while former Feira member of parliament Patrick Ngoma will return to the constituency to re-contest the seat.

Losing MMD candidate in the Chilanga Parliamentary by-election Keith Mukata and former MMD Kapoche member of parliament Nicholas Banda have been adopted to contest the respective seats.
MMD backbenchers, who have been adopted to run for Parliament are Sydney Chisanga (Mkushi North), Vincent Mwale (Chipangali), Whiteson Banda (Milanzi), Forrie Tembo (Nyimba), Paul Sichamba (Isoka West), Clever Silavwe (Nakonde), and Humphrey Mwanza (Solwezi West)

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