
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

State House hounding its cops as moles for The Post

State House hounding its cops as moles for The Post
By Moses Kuwema
Wed 13 July 2011, 12:00 CAT

SOME police officers assigned at State House under the special division have complained of being victimised for allegedly leaking information to The Post.
The officers, who sought anonymity, said some of their colleagues had since been transferred to rural areas.

“Some of our colleagues have been transferred to rural areas as district investigation officers in the intelligence office. These transfers were prompted as a result of linking certain people to the information that you people from The Post in particular usually report about.

On Saturday we were called into the meeting where they told us that they did not know that even at State House they had Judas Iscariots. We are told it was a directive from the President before he left for Maamba that he did not want to work with all those people who are giving information to The Post,” the sources said.

The sources said President Rupiah Banda wondered why everything that was discussed at State House usually found itself in The Post.

“Since that time that you people wrote the story about the sugar daddy in Vulamukoko in Katete when the President was campaigning in 2008 during the presidential by-elections most of the officers have not enjoyed their stay at State House.

Even the story you carried about the President's meeting where he was asking the MMD members not to be attacking the UPND, they linked us to it.

So really, we have been victimised, even the meetings that take place these days we are usually barred,” the sources said.

The sources said the transfers were more like demotions because the positions that the officers held at State House were superior to the ones they would hold where they have been transferred.

“The positions that these people were holding at State House are much bigger than going to be in charge of investigations at district level…all this is being done just because these people are perceived to be the people who are giving every information that you have been writing about,” said the sources.

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