
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Subjects are not with the Litunga - Imbwae

Subjects are not with the Litunga - Imbwae
By Roy Habaalu in Mongu
Thu 28 July 2011, 14:00 CAT

THE booing of the Litunga by his subjects shows that people are not with him, says Induna Imbwae.

Commenting on the murmuring and booing of the Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE) Induna who read out President Rupiah Banda’s position on the Barotseland issue during a public meeting at the Litunga’s palace in Limulunga, Induna Imbwae of Ikatulamwa village in Kalabo district, said subjects disagreed with the BRE because they were told things contrary to what they expected.

“It’s unfortunate and it is taboo because when the people start booing where the Litunga is, it’s a terrible indicator to our tradition and it also must be taken seriously because it means people are not with the Litunga or are not with the royal establishment,” said Induna Imbwae in an interview.

He said the royal establishment should call the people and chart the way forward.

“People should know that the Barotseland agreement is not for an individual but for the people of Barotseland as a whole. What is contained in the Agreement are developmental issues which must be addressed,” he said.

“The bribe that I may take as an individual cannot save the masses or the children of Barotseland. That’s why there was mockery of our Litunga in the African Life titled ‘The end of a silly dream’.”

Induna Imbwae appealed to the BRE to handle the Barotseland agreement carefully to avoid embarrassing itself.

Induna Imbwae said BRE must put the interest of the people first other than what he called “self-feeding”.

“During the reign of Litunga Ilute Yeta the Barotse National Council embraced everyone unlike today where it’s only the district Kutas that are being called and termed as Barotse national council.

With due respect, I appeal to our colleagues who are running the royal establishment Lealui, Limulunga to think of what the late IluteYeta did to call all people of Barotseland to discuss this matter,” said Induna Imbwae.

“I want to remind people that when these meetings were called, Ilute Yeta was an MCC in the Kaunda government but he never backed out over this issue which concerned his subjects.Why can’t we emulate the late Litunga?. Why are we failing to call the owners of this issue to come and discuss their future? Other than bringing suspicions within ourselves, it’s my sincere hope that the African Life article will be read before things are destroyed.”

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