
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Subjects boo BRE

Subjects boo BRE
By Roy Habaalu in Mongu
Tue 26 July 2011, 14:00 CAT

SUBJECTS yesterday murmured and booed in disagreement when a Barotse Royal Establishment induna read out President Rupiah Banda’s position on the Barotseland issue during a public meeting at the Litunga’s palace in Limulunga.

And the Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE) says it is not revolting but that what it wants is for the Barotseland Agreement to be implemented. Meanwhile, Mongu’s induna Akashi was asked to retract his statement that corruption had compromised the BRE.

During a public meeting held at the Litunga’s court in Limulunga yesterday, which was attended by Litunga Lubosi Imwiko II, induna Inete said whether the MMD government continued or another one came into office the Barotseland Agreement should be implemented.

“We have evidence, it’s not that we want to revolt or we are bought, no. All we want is our agreement, that’s all. When you look at me, can I be bought? How much can I be bought?” induna Inete asked.

“We know we have elections this year but us we don’t look at elections; we just maintain our tradition. With or without elections, our culture will continue.”

Induna Inete said the Barotse National Councill will be meeting soon to discuss the way forward regarding the Barotseland Agreement.

As induna Inete continued his speech, murmurs were heard, especially from an area where some senior police officers were seated.

When the murmurs became audible, the Litunga was seen panicking, continuously consulting his senior indunas.

Senior government officers were heard expressing surprise and whispering to each other in disbelief that people could loudly disagree with the Litunga.

“Things are not okay this year, sir. People are not happy. They are not scared or disagreeing with the king,” a government official remarked.

Induna Inete pleaded that the BRE be given enough time to dialogue on the matter.

“Here is His Royal Highness the Litunga in good health. Give him enough time to discuss the matter with his courts. I heard some of you murmuring. It means you have heard otherwise. Don’t be surprised that that’s all we called you for. In our tradition, we should allow people to dialogue. The Barotse National Council will soon be meeting. Let’s stop attacking each other. Let’s maintain peace, Lozis are known for their peace,” induna Inete pleaded.

And Induna Akashi, who told The Post that corruption had compromised the administration of the establishment, was called in front of the Litunga where he retracted his earlier statement.

He said he last spoke to the media in January this year but was known for fighting for the Lozi tradition.

“I am shocked that people are accusing me of saying there is corruption in the royal administration. I am an induna and part of BRE, so how can I do such a thing? They just want me to fight with the BRE,” said Induna Akashi, who later joined in the traditional dance two metres from where the Litunga sat.

Despite induna Akashi’s denial of the words attributed to him, below is a part of the verbatim account of the recorded phone interview with our reporter Roy Habaalu conducted on Saturday morning.

Induna Akashi: “This government thinks we Lozis here don’t know what is happening. Government was supposed to talk about the Barotseland Agreement before the riots took place.”

“It’s not good, we should not cheat. You know those indunas being sent there, they are being bribed by the government. What we know, if it was a national council, it cannot do that entire thing. They never consult people. People of Barotseland are not aware of that. Of course, they should be letting the people know what they are doing.

“There is too much bribery. Corruption is too much. You know what happened? It’s wrong to talk now after people were killed when they wanted to talk about the agreement. For them to send indunas to say ‘vote for President Banda’ it’s too late. Those indunas there (BRE) they don’t know what they are doing. They shouldn’t be controlled by a party, they must follow tradition. And no one will accept what they will say, not even a single person will listen to that. Barotseland is Barotseland.”

Editor’s Note: We challenge induna Akashi to deny the authenticity of the words attributed to him. We have a full recording of the interview with induna Akashi and The Post is ready to pay for airtime to broadcast it.

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