
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

(TALKZIMBABWE) Britain pushing for MDC unity

Britain pushing for MDC unity
Posted by By Our reporter at 19 July, at 00 : 45 AM

BRITAIN and some Western countries are pushing for the two MDC factions to unite ahead of the elections, amid reports that MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai has lost a lot of support in Matabeleland region.

The MDC-T plan is to push for the modification of the meetings of principals to the Global Political Agreement to “smuggle” in Professor Welshman Ncube who leads the other MDC formation as a principal, in a bid to win the support of the smaller MDC formation.

The smaller MDC faction is currently embroiled in a fight on who between Prof Ncube and Deputy Prime Minister Arthur Mutambara should sit in the principals’ meetings.

Tsvangirai and Prof Ncube are said to be under pressure from their western sponsors and handlers who want them to unite ahead of the elections.

Some members of the EU want a united MDC as they now believe the emergence of the Welshman Ncube-led MDC and other parties in Matabeleland has cost Tsvangirai some ground in that region.

Organisations like Freedom House and International Republican Institute (US) and the Zimbabwe Democracy Trust (UK) are being used to unite the factions

Tsvangirai and his senior officials flew to South Africa last Thursday to meet their sponsors as well as discuss the alliance with Prof Ncube.

However, Prof Ncube – who was scheduled to also fly to SA – failed to do so.

The trip coincided with the arrival of British premier David Cameron’s advance team to SA.

The MDC-T is proposing a meeting of political leaders which would involve himself, Welshman Ncube and the President to strip Mutambara of political status while smuggling in Professor Ncube, according to sources.

Presently President Mugabe, PM Tsvangirai and DPM Mutambara meet as both political and government leaders in their Monday meetings.

However, when there are issues that need the collective attention of Government they meet as six - the President, the two Vice Presidents, the Prime Minister and the two Deputy Prime Ministers.

Tsvangirai wants the Monday meeting limited to him and President Mugabe and then have the meeting of political leaders involving him, the President and Prof Ncube.

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