
Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Activists to probe Barotse deaths

Activists to probe Barotse deaths
By Mwala Kalaluka in Mongu
Wed 03 Aug. 2011, 13:59 CAT

BAROTSE activist organisations plan to hold an independent commission of inquiry over the Barotseland Agreement-related deaths that occurred in Mongu and Limulunga in January this year. And the Barotse Freedom Movement Linyungandambo says it holds President Rupiah Banda, his cohorts and the Barotse Royal Establishment responsible for the January 14, 2011 government killings in Mongu.

In a letter dated June 20, 2011 addressed to the Ngambela of the Barotse Royal Establishment BRE, Barotseland Freedom Movement BFM national secretary Mulasikwanda Chazele said both the BRE and the government were failing to give out the actual facts on the fracas.

“The two organisations, as mentioned, would jointly carry out an independent commission of inquiry in Mongu and Limulunga to determine the causes and results of the fracas that occurred between the 23rd October, 2010 and 14th January, 2011,” Chazele stated.

“Both the Barotse Royal Establishment and the government of the Republic of Zambia have blamed the two organisations and have led the international community into believing so. You both failed to give the true information based on the actual facts from the ground.”

Chazele stated that the people of Mongu and Limulunga had suffered great losses which include lives of their beloved ones, disabilities inflicted on the people, incarceration and imprisonment of the innocent Lozis far away from their homes.

“I also would strongly appeal to you all, BRE and GRZ, to desist from all sorts of intimidations and/or discouragements that would lead to the Commissioners fail to accomplish their goal,” Chazele stated.

“At the end of the exercise, a report will be provided to you BRE, the government of Zambia and the international community for transparency.”

And in another letter dated June 17, 2011, over which he was recently summoned to appear alone before the BRE in Limulunga but he declined, Chazele stated that the BRE only had two months from July 1, 2011 to state its exact position on the January killings and arrests before international litigation was sought to resolve the matter.

“When the people of Barotseland wanted to have a discussion to find a lasting solution to all their grievances, the government of Zambia in connivance and/or acquiescence with the Litunga (King) and his council brutally attacked innocent civilians without mercy,” Chazele stated.

“On 18th May, 1964, Litunga Sir Mwanawina Lewanika, KBE, allowed Barotseland to proceed to independence with Northern Rhodesia without bloodshed. Why should Litunga Lubosi Imwiko today go to the extent of hiring mercenaries to exterminate men, molest women including pregnant women and torture his subjects?”

Chazele stated that the people of Barotseland had every right to take their case to the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court for determination of the alleged crimes against humanity committed against them by the Zambian government.

“Barotseland did not seek redress in the Zambian High Court because it is common knowledge that a duiker cannot get justice in a hyena's court,” he stated.

Chazele said some of the resolutions presented to President Banda at State House by the Barotse National Council on February 10, 2011 did not represent the will of the people.

“This opinion or desire being orchestrated by a few corrupt individuals whose lives depend on bribes from the Zambian government,” Chazele stated. “A big number of the Barotse nationals had already been arrested even before the alleged riots were committed...We hold both the Litunga and the Kuta court on one hand, and the President of Zambia Mr Rupiah Bwezani Banda, Vice-President George Kunda, former home affairs minister Mkhondo Lungu, Inspector General of Police Mr Francis Kabonde and all associated people responsible.”

Chazele stated that the above were responsible for violation of human rights and fundamental individual freedoms, premeditated killings, attempted murders of innocent unarmed BRE subjects, crimes against humanity and aggravated robberies committed on the people by Zambia Police officers.

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