
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Government contractors farm for Rupiah - Mulongoti

Government contractors farm for Rupiah - Mulongoti
By Abigail Chaponda in Kafulafuta
Tue 23 Aug. 2011, 14:00 CAT

MIKE Mulongoti has challenged President Rupiah Banda to deny that he is a corrupt leader who ensures that some contractors who get government business are made to farm for him. And George Mpombo has said that President Banda is a high priest of tribalism and corruption.

During a rally to drum up support and present PF Kafulafuta Constituency parliamentary candidate Patrick Mwanawasa at Bangwe Basic School in Kafulafuta on Saturday, Mulongoti said the time for President Banda to answer for corruption was slowly approaching.

He said it was sad to see even dogs wearing MMD Chitenge materials bearing President Banda’s portrait. Mulongoti said that President Banda would soon answer on the source of money he is buying chitenge materials, bicycles and the money he was flashing around.

“When late president Mwanawasa was here, he made sure that he gave you eight bags of fertiliser, but when President Banda came he reduced to four bags. And this is because he doesn’t care.

From the time he became President, he doesn’t know the price of fertiliser,” Mulongoti, a former works and supply minister, said.

“Whenever President Banda contracts a person to build roads in Chipata, he makes sure that the contractor farms for him. I am challenging him to deny.”

Mulongoti said President Banda was a greedy man who only loved himself and that Zambians should not dare give him a vote because he had betrayed them.

He said he personally went to pick President Banda from his farm in Chipata.

“When I went to President Banda’s farm in Chipata, I found him in shorts and told him that president Mwanawasa needed him. And when the president died, I told him that since he was the vice-president, he should be the one to finish the three years that were left by the late president,” Mulongoti said.

“To my surprise, ba Rupiah refused, saying that he was old and that he was UNIP and there was no way MMD members were going to welcome him in the party as president. But I told him that the membership will agree. I was even his campaign manager.”

Mulogoti said even after helping President Banda, he changed his mind and started chasing all the people that worked with the late president Mwanawasa. He said President Banda was annoyed that Patrick was contesting the Kafulafuta seat.

Mulongoti asked residents to vote for Patrick because he was a young and brilliant man.

“I worked with MMD and I know where MMD is strong. I made ba Rupiah to win in Lambaland and this time around I will make sure that PF, Sata and Patrick goes through,” Mulongoti said.

“Patrick is a young man and for the future to go forward, we need young people like Patrick. He is a man who fears God just like his father, and we ask that you give him a vote.”

Mulongoti also told the residents to receive any money that the MMD candidates were going to offer them because it was taxpayers’ money. He said President Banda had tasted the sweetness of power and would do anything to be in power.

Mulongoti also said that before president Mwanawasa died, he reconciled with everyone, including PF president Sata.

“We had a meeting at State House where the late president called me and told me that he had reconciled with PF president Sata. The late president reconciled with everyone and we ask everyone of you to receive Sata and vote for him. He is a good leader who will change and transform this country,” he said

And speaking at the same rally, Mpombo said President Banda had made Lambas as rubber stamps and that he was a shameless and corrupt old man.

“I don’t know what development that this person is talking about; all the developmental projects that he is talking about were started by the late president (Mwanawasa),” he said.

Mpombo said President Banda should be voted out of power because he would destroy the country with his corrupt practices.

“Every contract that is in Zambia, he involves his children. This man behaves like a sugar daddy. Don’t vote for him,” said Mpombo.

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