
Thursday, August 25, 2011

(HERALD) Biti in U-turn over Mujuru utterances

Biti in U-turn over Mujuru utterances
Wednesday, 24 August 2011 02:00
Herald Reporter

MDC-T secretary-general, Mr Tendai Biti, yesterday made a U-turn on his weekend claims that Zanu-PF was responsible for the death of national hero and former Army Commander General Solomon Mujuru. Mr Biti was quoted in the private media as having told party supporters at a rally in Mutare that Zanu-PF was responsible for the death of Rtd Gen Mujuru.

However, responding to questions from journalists in Harare yesterday, Mr Biti said it was not proper for people to make such statements when investigations were still underway.

"We are very happy that the police are carrying out massive investigations and of course no one can prejudge what happened.

"We regret the pain that has been caused by the reports in the newsrooms. But I must say this is a very difficult time for Zimbabwe, we have lost a proper hero, you just need to read the history of Zimbabwe like some of us have done," he said.

Mr Biti who is also the Minister of Finance narrated the history of the armed struggle saying Rtd Gen Mujuru had contributed a lot to Zimbabwe.

"What is critical is to know that there are a few deaths that have united Zimbabweans than that of General Mujuru and that is happening as a tribute to the man and to the liberation.

"He was the nerve centre of the armed struggle from the time that he left to join the struggle in 1962 and even from that time he was chairperson of Zapu's youth district at Mpopoma before he was briefly detained," Mr Biti said.

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