
Monday, August 08, 2011

(HERALD) Provide more resources to agriculture, Biti told

Provide more resources to agriculture, Biti told
Friday, 05 August 2011 02:00
Herald Reporter

THE Finance Bill sailed through the Senate on Wednesday without amendments with senators calling on Finance Minister Tendai Biti to channel more resources to farming.

They said agriculture was the backbone of the economy and it needed more support. The senators also said there was need for accountability in the management of diamond money and speedy implementation of the civil service audit.

The Bill seeks to put into effect the provisions of the recently presented Mid-Term Fiscal Policy Review.

Rushinga Senator, Mr Damian Mumvuri (Zanu-PF) said Government should prioritise local farmers by giving them adequate inputs.

"If the minister is interested in agriculture, he has to provide resources to the farmers and to open up the maize market. As it stands, the money is not there and it is important that the maize market is opened so that the Grain Marketing Board can be purchaser of last resort," he said.

Cde Monica Mutsvangwa (Zanu-PF) who represents Chimanimani said Zimbabwe should move fast to encourage banks to lend to farmers and business people in general.

"The challenges that farmers face are that when they bring their tomatoes, cabbages, butternuts to Mbare there is no market there because it is flooded with imports from South Africa. Zimbabweans are hard workers who can make the economy work if they are given support.

"As Zimbabweans, we should speak with one voice on the need for the country to sell its diamonds without conditions so that the money can be accounted for because we don't want the money to end up in wrong hands," she said.

Zaka Senator Mr Misheck Marava (MDC-T) said there was need for accountability on diamond money and to implement results of the civil service audit.

"The most important thing is for accountability and disclosure of revenues from diamonds. No matter how much we produce someone has to be accountable because we want this money to benefit all Zimbabweans than individuals.

"We can't try to sweep under the carpet the issue of ghost workers. We have to know who is protecting those people who are draining the fiscus.

"Has the Government exhausted all the tools that are at its disposal to address the issue of diamond money and ghost workers?" asked Senator Marava.

Mutasa-Nyanga Senator, Mr Patrick Chitaka (MDC-T) said Government had supported the agricultural sector with resources, but bemoaned poor production at the farms.

"The budget has given adequate resources to the agricultural sector equivalent to those in the region but our farmers are not producing. We should instead channel funds to extension services than give these farmers inputs because they are not producing anything. We should also teach them how to farm," he said," he said.

Murewa Senator Cde Tendayi Makunde (Zanu-PF) said the budget review was a product of the executive not Minister Biti's product.

"I know the budget wasn't politicised because all the principals agreed that is what is supposed to be there. However, as soon as you announced that you restored duty on cooking oil, the prices went up and as we speak, a bottle of cooking oil is now at US$4,50. If you knew that is what you were going to do, you should have supported soya bean farmers, it would have helped," he said.

However, in his response, Minister Biti said since the formation of the inclusive Government US$1,9 billion had been spent on agriculture.

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