
Thursday, August 18, 2011

(HERALD) Solomon Mujuru death: Wife speaks

Solomon Mujuru death: Wife speaks
Thursday, 18 August 2011 02:00
Herald Reporters

WHILE police continued their forensic investigations yesterday into the death of General Solomon Mujuru, his widow, Acting President Joice Mujuru, implo-red people to stop making wild statements on the cause of death.

Police were tight-lipped yesterday over what they have found so far, and while revealing there had been a post-mortem, declined to give the results until they knew more.

Gen Mujuru (66) died when his farmhouse in Beatrice burned down on Monday night.
Since then, there has been speculation over the cause of the fire, but yesterday Acting President Mujuru made it clear that both she and everyone else should wait until investigations were complete.
She said people should not be preoccupied with the discussion surrounding the circumstances surrounding the dea-th "because God is the only one who has an answer".

"Ndirikukumbira hama neshamwari kuteerera kuite kushoma, nokuti zvinoitika kuti munhu acommente zvaasingagoni kuti azomira achipupura mangwana.
"Mwari watiri kunamata achatipa mhinduro.
"We don't have to solicit for an extra mile, sometimes unozotsvaga nezvisipo. Kwatiri Solomon atova mudzimu wekwa Mwendamberi," she said.


She was backed by the Zanu-PF Politburo which resolved that no party member could speak to the media over the death of Gen Mujuru except party spokesperson Cde Rugare Gumbo.
The resolution came after some party members were quoted in the private media making unsubstantiated allegations surrounding the death of Gen Mujuru.

Zanu-PF secretary for administration Cde Didymus Mutasa made the annou-ncement yesterday at the Mujuru residence.
"Tabvumirana kuti tinozvinzwa tichiteerera asi tosiira kunaVaGumbo vachipindura pavanokwanisa. Isu vamwe tinofanira kubata miromo yedu," he said.
Earlier, Zanu-PF national chairperson, Cde Simon Khaya Moyo had castigated the private media for irresponsible journalism.

"What I see in the so-called independent newspapers is not good. Let's avoid being irresponsible. Let's mourn with dignity. We should respect the dead and the Mujuru family.
"The freedom which makes you betray your own people is the freedom which was brought by General Mujuru.
"I am appealing to those in the media to search your souls and stand up to be counted. United we stand and divided we fall," he said.

The police were yesterday still active gathering evidence to find out what happened.
Chief police spokesperson Senior Assistant Commissioner Wayne Bvudzijena yesterday said investigations were in progress.
"We are still collecting all the evidence including reports from experts and organisations such as Zesa," he said.

Snr Asst Comm Bvudzijena revealed that the post-mortem was done on Tuesday, but would not give the results.
On Tuesday, police said preliminary investigations suggest the fire could have been caused by a candle left burning in the house.

According to police, there were joint investigations by security and other organisations including the police fore-nsic unit and Zesa Holdings.

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