
Friday, August 26, 2011

(HERALD) Solomon Mujuru the farmer

Solomon Mujuru the farmer
Sunday, 21 August 2011 01:57 Local News
By Emilia Zindi

PLAYERS in the agriculture sector have described the late Cde Solomon Mujuru as a farmer par excellence who will be missed, especially at tobacco auction floors which he frequented during the marketing season.

He majored in tobacco farming and delivered between 800 and 1 000 bales each season. Former Zimbabwe Farmers’ Union vice president Cde Edward Raradza said memories of the national hero would be difficult to erase.

He said Cde Mujuru played a pivotal role in returning land to its rightful owners.
“We are farmers today because he freed this land. The farming community will never be the same without him,’’ he said.

Zimbabwe Commercial Farmers’ Union president Mr Donald Khumalo said the farming community had been robbed of a gallant son of the soil who would be difficult to replace.

“We will forever remember this gallant son who liberated the land to ensure we became the proud black farmers we are today,” he said.

War veteran and farmer Cde Edward Matanhike said: “He was the brains behind my farming ventures. He once told me that the wealth we were in search of was in the land.

“He said we should feed the nation by working hard on the farms.’’

Mr Morris Chiwanga, a successful farmer from Beatrice, said he owes his success to the late army general who was his mentor.

“There are not many people who are successful and willing to share their secrets to success. The general was in a league of his own,” he said.

“He always gave me sound advice and whenever I ran into any problems he would assist me in every possible way.”

Justice and Legal Affairs Minister Cde Patrick Chinamasa said Cde Mujuru would forever be remembered for his contribution to black empowerment.

With a total of more than 150 employees on his Beatrice farm, the late war veteran was always ahead in farming preparations.

He had already done land preparation for this season with the tobacco seedbed ready for transplanting any time from now.

Some of the workers at his farm were busy at work last week, albeit mourning the death of their boss.

“He had already done land preparation for this season. We were to start planting in September as he had indicated,’’ said a worker, Mrs Patricia Zambuko.

Mrs Zambuko has worked for Cde Mujuru since 2001.
“His major crop was tobacco. He was also into maize production and wildlife,’’ she said.

A security guard at the farm, Mr Charles Katonha, worked for the national hero since 1983.

“He had become more of a father to me. He helped the workers a lot during the hyperinflation period, sourcing foodstuffs for us,’’ he said.

He said Cde Mujuru would at times get involved in the work in the fields, especially during planting and harvesting. “He would participate, spending the day with workers in the field.’’

Dadirai Tazvivinga, who also works on the farm, added: “He loved farming. He was always here attending to operations.’’-The Sunday mail

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