
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

(HERALD, WIKILEAKS) Tsvangirai’s letters of shame . . . to Bush, Obama

COMMENT - Morgan Tsvangirai's words are the words of a traitor. At no point does h eturn to the Zimbabwean people, he is always looking for foreign intervention, so he and his goldmine owning brother Casper can steal the resources that belong to the people of Zimbabwe.

Tsvangirai’s letters of shame . . . to Bush, Obama
Saturday, 27 August 2011 22:09

His Excellency Barack Obama,
President of the United States of America,
21 December 2009,
Your Excellency,

AS we approach the end of 2009, a period that has turned out to be a watershed for Zimbabwe, I write to convey my appreciation for the support we have received from you personally, the government and people of your great nation.

Kindly pass on my warm thanks also to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. I was very pleased, Mr President, to note the support offered by your country and the various international non-governmental organisa-tions (NGOs) that expanded beyond the life-saving interventions which were so important.

This assistance has brought direct benefits to millions of our people and has demonstrated to the hard-pressed population that the reformists in Government are capable of delivering results.

Your support for my office has also been invaluable and I look forward to this continuing. As you are no doubt aware, Your Excellency, we are at a crucial stage in our efforts to ensure the full implementation of the GPA.

Meanwhile, our political situation remains characterised by intransigence to frustrate the process of bringing about real change.
The role played by Sadc, in general, and the mediator President Jacob Zuma, in particular, is greatly appreciated.
I know that you have personally played a crucial role in helping this to happen, and I encourage you to continue your crucial dialogue with President Zuma.

We have had discussions with Ambassador Charles Ray on restrictive measures. I well understand that movement on the part of the international community will need to be in response to tangible progress on GPA implementation. We should, however, ensure that movement when it comes is seen to be acknowledged in a tangible way, striking a careful balance between retaining leverage and rewarding progress. This will involve difficult judgments but it will be important to sustain momentum when it comes.

In light of the current negotiations of the three political parties I have now taken personal interest in the normalisation of relations between my Government and your government and my office will be following up on this very critical issue in the coming year.

We have, with your help, made real progress in 2009. Zimbabwe has been brought back from the brink. The economy has been stabilised. Essential health, education and other services have been restored.

A long and difficult road clearly lies ahead but with the continued support of key partners like the US, and also the active engagement of Sadc and South Africa, I have every hope of building on this start.

May I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a joyous New Year.
Please accept, Mr President, assurances of my esteem consideration. Looking forward to continue working with you,
Morgan Tsvangirai

[US president Barack Obama]
US president Barack Obama

This letter was received by hand delivery via US Defence Attache Lt-Col. Patrick Anderson at the US Embassy Harare on Tuesday, December 29, 2009.
Original will be forwarded to AF/S Desk Officer Brian Walch via diplomatic pouch, registration number 7262800. HARARE1007.html

ON OCTOBER 16, 2002 Embassy was asked to convey a letter from Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) leader Morgan Tsvangirai to President Bush and other current and former SIPDIS USG officials seeking a more active UN role in addressing Zimbabwe’s crises. We have pouched the letters to AF/S and convey the text of the Tsvangirai-Bush letter in paragraph 2 below.

The other letters contain identical text and were delivered in sealed envelopes addressed to former president Clinton; former president Carter; UN Ambassador Negroponte; Representatives Ed Royce and Donald Payne; Senators Daschle and Lott; Reverend Jesse Jackson; and Chester Crocker.

Mr George W. Bush
President of the United States of America
Washington DC
October 14, 2002

Dear Mr President,

Re: Call for UN Security Council Action on Crimes Against Humanity Committed by the Mugabe regime in Zimbabwe.

On behalf of the majority of the people of Zimbabwe, I write to you Sir, and the other five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council.

Since February 2000, several efforts by the United States of America, the European Union, the Commonwealth, Sadc, the World Council of Churches and several local and international civic organisations appealed to Robert Mugabe to uphold the rule of law, respect human rights and put a stop to political murders, rape, torture and State-sponsored terror and violence, but the illegitimate Mugabe regime has not relented.

Instead, it has demonstrated utter contempt of international opinion and has reaffirmed its commitment to carrying out crimes against humanity as a means of subjugating the people of Zimbabwe and denying them the right to freely determine their own destiny.

There is growing evidence on the ground in Zimbabwe today Sir, that the subjugated and brutalised majority are preparing to react violently against this state of affairs. The consequent bloody civil strife will not only result in a massive loss of life but will inevitably spill into the territory of the neighbouring states of the region.

The international community must not allow Mugabe to continue charting this path towards national destruction and darkness. It is in the context of this grim and extremely dangerous situation that the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC), which represents the legitimate aspirations of the people of Zimbabwe, calls for the intervention of the UN Security Council in the Zimbabwe crisis in accordance with Article 39 (Chapter VII Powers) of the United Nations Charter.

Crimes that rival fascism and Nazism in scale and wickedness are being committed daily, not by an occupying force, but by a supposedly sovereign government of the country.
We therefore call for the urgent institution of an international programme for Zimbabwe under the auspices of the United Nations, designed to:

1. Investigate the gross human rights abuses and crimes against humanity that are being perpetrated by the Mugabe regime.
2. Investigate State-sponsored violence and the breakdown of the rule of law.
3. Investigate the denial of food relief to suspected political opponents and the consequent mass starvation.
4. Facilitate the realisation of a free, unfettered and fair expression of the popular will of the people of Zimbabwe.

We ask and plead with you Sir, and your fellow permanent members of the UN Security Council, to place these issues on the agenda of the Security Council for serious discussion and speedy resolution.

In our humble view, there remains no other viable alternative in the quest to put a stop to the crimes against humanity that are being perpetrated daily by the Mugabe regime.

The Mugabe regime has recreated the conditions of the Rhodesian crisis in 1965, when the Ian Smith regime effected a Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI) and established an illegitimate government in order to maintain a racial political order over the majority of the population.

UDI sought to deny the majority of the people of the then Rhodesia the right of self-determination.

In 1966, in reaction to that development, the UN Security Council (SC Res.232 (1966) and subsequent resolutions), acted swiftly to confront an ominous development that threatened regional and international peace and security.

In reacting to UDI, the UN Security Council recognised the legitimacy of the Zimbabwe people’s struggle against racist minority rule, which was undemocratic. Similarly, the Security Council must legitimately consider Robert Mugabe’s forestalling of the installation of a legitimate elected government through illegitimate force, and the consequent violations of human rights, as clearly constituting a threat to international peace and security.

Through his brutal suppression of the right of the Zimbabwean people to freely elect a government of their choice and through his regime’s perpetration of crimes against humanity, Robert Mugabe has created an explosive and dangerous situation akin to Ian Smith’s UDI.

A corrupt, murderous and illegitimate regime maintains State-sponsored violence against a defenceless civilian population. This situation is rapidly degenerating into mass killings, refugee flows and mass starvation.

The prevailing internal situation therefore constitutes a threat to regional and international peace and security. Sadc Heads of State and Government came to the same conclusion at their Luanda, Angola, Summit when they denied the Mugabe regime the opportunity to host the Sadc 2003 summit.

We believe that the international community must proceed rapidly to use this Sadc position as a launching pad for determined action to clamp down on the growing spiral of violence and crimes against humanity perpetrated by the Mugabe regime.

In his violent seizure of power, Robert Mugabe must not be allowed to invoke the international legal term, “national sovereignty” in a vain endeavour to reinforce his illegitimate political position internationally.

He is susceptible to a megalomania that identifies his corporeal self with symbols of nation and state. This provides the context in which Robert Mugabe inflicts crimes against humanity upon those Zimbabweans trapped within the boundaries of the territory that he confuses with himself.

In Robert Mugabe’s case, the term “national sovereignty” must not be used to allow him to shield the suppression of the real popular sovereignty from external rebuke and sanction.

The sovereignty of the people of Zimbabwe must be protected, but the object of the protection is not the power base of a tyrant who rules directly by naked and illegitimate force or through the apparatus of a totalitarian political order.

Instead, what must be protected is the capacity of the people of Zimbabwe to freely express and effect legitimate choices about the identities and policies of those who govern them. The time for the Security Council to act is now.

Delay will result in a costly catastrophe in terms of human lives. We therefore urgently appeal to you, Mr President, as one of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, to act with your characteristic determination to put a stop to the violent abuse of human rights and the carnage that is going on and assist in the process of laying a healing hand on the country and its tortured people.
I avail myself, Mr President, this opportunity to renew the assurances of my highest consideration.

Yours sincerely,

Morgan Tsvangirai,
President, Movement for Democratic Change.

Comment: Tsvangirai’s urgent appeal to the United Nations reflects the growing pressure the opposition party is under from the GOZ, the MDC’s inability to devise effective, home-grown solutions to Zimbabwe’s intensifying cycle of crises, and a genuine concern that the situation here will soon degenerate into civil conflict. SULLIVAN


+5 # Raga 2011-08-28 00:15
We may live in denial just because we expect him to deliver us one day but the truth is Tsvangirai is not his own man. He is just too much when it comes to consulting the Westerners. He does not believe in himself. He believes the future lies in America and britain because he was exposed to them more than he was to the actual world. God help us.

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