
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Letters - Corrupt systems

Corrupt systems
By Lubemba, Kitwe
Wed 17 Aug. 2011, 08:30 CAT


The poor continue to be poor, and the gap between the rich and the poor widens at very alarming rates. The children of the influential, wealth-amassing and greedy few that are in authority have their future by oppression and injustice. Not that the poor man’s child is not intelligent, and not that they cannot work, do they continue to remain stagnant economically.

The real cause is that while every effort and penny is expended to ensure that the poor man’s child is given a future, the opposing forces of oppression and injustice are beyond the mere effort that the poor parent can put in. They do not have legal representation and so many are the cases decided against them. They do not have the political connections that the greedy few have, and so they cannot get the smallest of contracts even through the much-sung about ‘transparent system of public tenders.’ They cannot acquire land at a fair price because land deals are controlled by political cadres.

When the time comes for elections, the same poor man and his children are expected to vote for the greedy, power-hungry few. Bicycles and household goods are flown around in an act of ‘generosity’ that is not meant for good at all. As soon as the elections, again conducted to the detriment of the masses, are over, the promises made to the poor all vanish into oblivion. The greedy few are back in office,

Is this the Christian nation that we boast of, or is it simply counterfeit Christianity?

Surely the systems that govern the land are corrupt. The organisations charged with conducting elections are headed individuals who gather much wealth whenever there is an election.

Does God approve of the injustices of this ‘Christian nation’ where the God-given wealth of this nation is but the preserve of the greedy few?

Such evil cannot agree with the ‘Christian nation’ ideology.
Someone must stop this rot! The true God in whose name (Christ) the country has been declared cannot have anything to do with corruption and injustice.

What peace is there when the masses are deprived and the will of the people rejected in the name of peace? Real and meaningful peace is having an environment that does not allow injustice and oppression.

The Lord God will intervene some day.

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