
Thursday, August 18, 2011

(LUSAKATIMES) EIU is an imperialist sponsored organization, says Wynter Kabimba as he dismisses their poll prediction

EIU is an imperialist sponsored organization, says Wynter Kabimba as he dismisses their poll prediction
TIME PUBLISHED - Thursday, August 18, 2011, 3:08 pm

The Patriotic Front (PF) has dismissed the observations of the Economic Intelligence Unit -EIU- , which has continuously stated that President Rupiah Banda and the MMD will win the September 20, general polls.

PF Secretary General Wynter Kabimba says the EIU is an imperialist sponsored organization, whose aim is to protect western companies which have invested in Zambia. Mr Kabimba says the PF will not be disturbed by the publication’s observations because it has done its ground work ahead of next month’s elections.

He told ZNBC that the PF is a credible party which has managed to field Parliamentary candidates in all the 150 constituencies.

The Economic Intelligence Unit -EIU- says a victory for the opposition Patriotic Front-PF and its leader Michael Sata in the September 20 general elections poses a high risk for Zambia.

This is because of the uncertainty about the policy agenda that PF leader, Mr Sata will implement, citing his alleged indecision on issues like mining taxation.

The August report from the economic analysis organisation, which covers 185 countries, said President Banda’s victory remained the most likely outcome as he would benefit from the advantages of incumbency, the MMD’s formidable electoral machinery and recent maize bumper harvests.

“The elections will be closely contested but are slightly more likely to deliver a victory to the president, Rupiah Banda and the ruling MMD,” the report states.

According to the report, “a Sata presidency would pose certain risks, and that he may not be able to deliver on his campaign slogan of “more money in your pockets” due to fiscal constraints.

It states that Mr Sata’s often justified demands for wage increases could stoke labour unrest, especially in the Copperbelt.

The EIU report says Mr Sata had also been unclear on issues like mining taxation and appeared to be “fairly heavy-handed” in his approach to governance which posed significant risks.

Mr Sata’s nationalist rhetoric, such as an assertion in 2008 that Zambians should hold a 25 per cent or more stake in all companies operating in the country, had created concern among foreign investors

The report states that despite uncertainty over the election results, most Government policy was expected to continue as “public pressure to promote job creation ensures that economic policies stay largely pragmatic”.

It says Zambia was not expected to face any external threats in 2011 up to next year, adding that donors would continue to provide budget support.

The report states that there could only be suspensions of aid if evidence of corruption and mismanagement emerged.

“Zambia is expected to remain on good terms with other countries in the region, underpinned in part by its membership of two regional trade blocs, the Southern African Development Community and the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa,” the report states in part.


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