
Monday, August 08, 2011

Sata can effect change in 90 days - Liamba

Sata can effect change in 90 days - Liamba
By Mwala Kalaluka in Mongu
Mon 08 Aug. 2011, 12:00 CAT

A 71-year-old former Barotse treason accused says PF leader Michael Sata's 90-day development approach can only be doubted by lazy and incompetent leaders.

Nayoto Liamba of Mbuywana compound in Mongu said in an interview yesterday that the people of Zambia wanted dynamic leaders who could transform the country in the shortest possible period and not those leaders who claimed they could only make it after staying many years in office.

“I strongly believe that changes can be done even in less than 90 days. In fact, good developmental policies can be seen in less than 90 days,” Liamba said.

“I strongly support the statement by Mr Sata that he can make some significant changes in 90 days. These are words which can come only from an active determined leader like Mr Sata.”

Liamba said Zambia was hungry for development and, therefore, did not need leaders that had to wait for a 10-year term to deliver.

“So we say 'out' for those slow thinkers who can come out with answers after 3,650 days in office. We are tired of the slogans of 'don't experiment on leadership'...They are the same people singing the same slogan of ‘no to experiments to remove the present leadership from power’,” Liamba said.

“They are not ashamed that the previous experiments worked very well. So people believe very much that even the coming experiment will work very well.”

Liamba said those who shouted for second or more terms were members of parliament who had failed to deliver in five years.

He said the longer one stayed in power, the lazier, more incompetent, tyrannical and dictatorial they became.

“They always hide behind the curtains of seeking second terms for their presidents because they know very well that a second term for their president is an assurance of continued employment,” Liamba said.

“Leaders who are not contented with the five years minimum term will never be contented even if they were to be given more than ten years.”

Liamba quoted from Proverbs 10:26, which says, 'never get a lazy person to do something for you. He will be irritating as vinegar on your teeth or smoke in your eyes.'

“In other verses, it says 'if you want your job to be done quickly, give it to a busy man because a lazy man will never find time to do it',” said Liamba.

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