
Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Shamenda urges Zambians to ensure their votes are not stolen

Shamenda urges Zambians to ensure their votes are not stolen
By Abigail Chaponda in Ndola
Tue 09 Aug. 2011, 14:02 CAT

FACKSON Shamenda has urged Zambians to be vigilant so that their votes are not stolen. And Shamenda said those who have stayed in MMD do not have principles because serious democratic leaders have left the party.

In an interview yesterday, Shamenda said victory for PF was around the corner and urged the opposition party’s members to work extra hard to make sure that no one stole their votes because others political parties did not want them in government.

“PF has been a consistent party. It started with one MP in 2001 and look at what the party has done so far. I am urging Zambians to be vigilant so that their votes are not stolen, victory is certain for PF, victory is right here,” he said.

Shamenda said he was confident of winning the Ndola Central seat adding that MMD was not a factor because it was a finished party.

He said once elected, he would work for the people of Ndola Central.

“As a trade unionist, I have always been with the people. When you are a representative, you don’t represent yourself, but you represent the views of the people who put you in power. So in Ndola Central, we as a party, are going to look at the people’s immediate needs. Here in Ndola, all the four constituencies are going to work together so that we can make Ndola ticking,” he said.

Shamenda said any meaningful government should be talking about industry and not about markets.

“As PF we are forming government this year and we can assure you that we are going to turn things in the country,” he said.

And Shamenda said that MMD had been invaded by red-ants, hence serious democratic MMD leaders had left the party.

“Those who have stayed on have no principles, what are they holding on for? We have left the party because it is finish, we have nothing more to hold on to,” he said.

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