
Tuesday, August 09, 2011

(TALKZIMBABWE) NATO has lost legitimacy, is terrorist: President Mugabe

NATO has lost legitimacy, is terrorist: President Mugabe
Posted by By Our reporter at 8 August, at 19 : 11 PM Print

PRESIDENT Robert Mugabe warned Monday that “mad people in the West” are campaigning for regime change in Zimbabwe, pointing to the ongoing civil war in Libya where rebels backed by NATO forces are trying to oust that country’s longtime leader.

He was speaking Monday at the National Heroes acre in a fiery address during celebrations honouring the liberation struggle, the Chimurenga War, that swept Zanu-PF to power at Independence in 1980. He called NATO a “terrorist organisation”.

President Mugabe also reiterated his call for early elections to end the country’s inclusive Government and called some of his opponents “demon-possessed sellouts” who turn to the West for help.

“Today is the day to cast out those demons,” said President Mugabe.

He urged Zimbabweans to be vigilant against those campaigning for regime change in Zimbabwe and called NATO “a terrorist organization,” no different from the Taliban and al-Qaeda.

“So you get mad people in Europe. Mad people who refuse and reject the truth, mad people who defy international law,” President Mugabe told the 20,000 plus gathering.

“Look what they are doing in Libya,” he said.

“The brazen way they seek to kill Gaddafi… they are deliberately throwing bombs at his family residences.

“It [Nato] has lost it’s legitimacy, it has become terrorist and beware this they can do on any other African country than Libya. We must always be in a state of preparedness,” President Mugabe said.

“They seek to kill Gaddafi. They have in fact deliberately killed some of his children.

“Now when they do that deliberately, it is exactly what the Taliban and al-Qaeda do – what is the difference in terms of what they [Nato] are doing?”

“That’s why I say Nato is now a terrorist organisation as well. If it defies international law.”

President Mugabe also on Monday vowed to retaliate against Western countries that imposed illegal sanctions on Zimbabwe.

“We haven’t touched them,” said President Mugabe of the more than 400 British companies operating in Zimbabwe.

“Tomorrow we are not going to treat them in any favourable way.

“They are not heeding our cry,” he said. “Why do we need companies like Rio Tinto? If they are to continue mining, then the sanctions must go.”

He also said the nation welcomed investment from countries that have stood by Zimbabwe, including China, Russia, India and Cuba.

On Monday, President Mugabe said elections were needed because the inclusive Government — which includes former opposition leader and now prime minister, Morgan Tsvangirai — was “a creature not meant to live…

“We should not take undue advantage of it and stretch it to the limit.”

President Mugabe’s loyalists have said PM Tsvangirai, now the prime minister, is a security threat because his party is funded by the West.

A general in the military command has spoken out against PM Tsvangirai and vowed the military will not recognize him as Zimbabwe’s leader if he defeats President Mugabe in elections.

PM Tsvangirai did not attend Monday’s Heroes’ Day event. He has distanced himself from state occasions he says are used as a platform for Zanu-PF.

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