
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Zukas, others demand cancellation of UPG contract

Zukas, others demand cancellation of UPG contract
By Patson Chilemba
Thu 18 Aug. 2011, 13:59 CAT

Dr Rodger Chongwe, Wila Mung’omba and Simon Zukas have asked ECZ chairperson justice Irene Mambilima to cancel the ballot papers printing contract with UPG. In a joint statement, Dr Chongwe, Mung'omba and Zukas warned that the current standoff won’t go away merely by ignoring the allegations involving Universal Print group (UPG) of South Africa.

Dr Chongwe and Mung'omba are very senior Zambian lawyers and human rights activists who have also held very senior political and government positions. Zukas is one of Zambia's outstanding fighers for independence and a tireless champion of democracy, good governance and all that is best for Zambia.

They advised that it was not too late for the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) to cancel the contract for the printing of ballot papers for this year’s election with UPG if Zambians were to have confidence in the electoral process.

“The alleged activities of the Universal Print Group Company of South Africa has been in the newspapers of our country almost on a daily basis. The reason for this is that the Electoral Commission of Zambia, a body responsible for organising and supervising general elections in our country signed a contract with this company for printing ballot papers for our use in the general elections due to take place on the 20th September 2011,” they observed.

“Allegations, which have been persistent, have been made of possible shenanigans involving the company and staff at the Electoral Commission. These allegations have been denied by the senior staff of the Commission. The Director General of the Anti-Corruption Commission whose institution it was alleged investigated these allegations has denied doing so. The denial by the Director General is in the face of further allegations that in fact the office of the Director General of the Anti - Corruption Commission carried out an investigation and a warn and caution statement was recorded from the alleged wrongdoer.”

Dr Chongwe, Mung'omba and Zukas stated that elections for the selection of leaders in any country were a very important event in that their result determined the future leadership of that country.

“They are a measure by which electors are able from time to time to choose freely their political leaders. The process by which the electors choose their leaders must be free from coercion, corruption and harassment,” they stated.

“A free vote did not come to the people of Zambia because the British that were in charge of the then Northern Rhodesia desired out of their own volition to give the franchise to them. The people of Northern Rhodesia together with their political leaders fought for this free vote. In the process of the fight, a number of people in Northern Rhodesia lost their lives. These people did not die in vain. They did not die so that the franchise they fought for must be trivialized by those of us living today.”

Dr Chongwe, Mung’omba and Zukas stated that Zambia had been through some difficulties along the way due mainly to the selfishness of some political leaders.

“Our experience has been that we have been in a position to discuss some of the electoral problems that have arisen and we have tried to find amicable solutions to these wherever possible, even then the government has not responded well to the concerns of the people where there has been perceived wrongdoing associated with the electoral process,” they stated.

“The current stand-off regarding the electoral process requires urgent attention. This will not go away merely by ignoring the allegations, which are very serious and go to the root of the foundations of our democracy. Any whiff of indiscretion in the management of the electoral process must be dealt with immediately and where this involves an allegation of corrupt dealings between staff of the Commission and the contractor engaged to print the ballot papers, such contract should be cancelled forthwith and a new printer appointed instead.”

The three stated that cancelling the UPG contract was necessary because any perception, right or wrong, of such wrongdoing in the electoral process was bound to distort the result emanating from such an election.

“It is not too late in the day to cancel the contract for printing the ballot papers entered into between the Electoral Commission of Zambia and the Universal Print Group Company,” they stated.

“The Electoral Commission will be cancelling the contract in the public interest. In such a scenario, there will be no winners or losers but the people of Zambia will emerge strong and united to face an election with greater confidence and honesty. We have examined this situation very carefully and to avoid our country from sliding into political anarchy emanating from lack of confidence in the electoral process, we call upon the chairperson of the Electoral Commission of Zambia to cancel the current contract for the printing of ballot papers with the South African company.

“It is essential to our democracy that the nation’s leaders are elected in free, fair and honest elections as this is one of the main ways that we obtain accountability from political leaders. Political leaders must know that if they do not perform to the satisfaction of the people who elected them that they will have to face the consequences next time elections are due.”

PF Kabwata parliamentary aspiring candidate Given Lubinda recently disclosed that UPG had been involved in corruption, bribery and money laundering with some officials at ECZ in order to get contracts from the commission. He said this alone disqualified them from participating in a serious national programme like printing of ballot papers because they lack corporate integrity.

But the Anti-Corruption Commission through its director general Godfrey Kayukwa has denied ever investigating ECZ or any of its suppliers, a statement Lubinda has dismissed as a pure falsehood.

Lubinda has challenged the ACC to explain why they were shielding UPG when they know about its corruption and bribery.

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