
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Caritas calls for nationwide development

Caritas calls for nationwide development
By Moses Kuwema
Thu 15 Sep. 2011, 13:53 CAT

CARITAS Zambia says there is need for an exclusive approach towards development which does not look at a particular political party's interest.

In an interview, Caritas Zambia executive director Samuel Mulafulafu said every part of the country should be accorded the government's intervention in terms of the needs and development concerns.

"There must be an exclusive approach towards development that does not look at constituencies or where particular political interest are. So our appeal to presidential candidates is that they should look at the country as a whole. In fact, we are tired of people always talking about their preferred region to the exclusion of the others. Even if a particular area is dominated by the opposition, it's still entitled to resources of the country in terms of development," Mulafulafu said.

She said the government's effort to ensure development should follow the plans of the country and not particular areas for parochial interest.

"As a country, we have a national plan which is supposed to be implemented according to the priorities of the dire needs of the country. So a president should not look at particular constituencies just because he or she likes it.

They should go to the plan that the government has devised as a way of approaching development in the country because that is based on assessments, based on policies," Mulafulafu said.

He said the role of a Republican president was not to look at constituencies, and people like President Rupiah Banda even had a slogan that he was a president for all Zambians.

"We don't see any successful president getting elected and focuses on a couple of constituencies while the rest of the country is neglected. They will not succeed because the others will not give him a chance and they will complain," said Mulafulafu.

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