
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Chililabombwe PF candidate promises benefits from mines

Chililabombwe PF candidate promises benefits from mines
By Misheck Wangwe in Chililabombwe
Wed 14 Sep. 2011, 13:59 CAT

CHILILABOMBWE residents will never vote for the MMD as they have felt what it means to have a corrupt and non-performing government, says Esther Banda. Banda, who is the PF parliamentary candidate for Chililabombwe Constituency, said people in the area have never felt the presence of President Rupiah Banda and had resolved to vote for the PF as the party that had been consistent and progressive.

Banda said the people of Chililabombwe, who mainly depend on the mining sector for survival, had not forgotten that President Banda's government allowed foreign investors to be getting the mineral wealth without caring about the wellbeing of the local community.

She said under the PF government, the people of Chililabombwe would see the benefits of the mines because investors would be compelled by law to remit a considerable amount of money within the communities they operate and employment would be created for many young people who are currently on the streets.

Banda said it was unacceptable that the general living standards of the people in Chililabombwe had continued to go down because of lack of initiatives by the MMD government to enhance the empowerment of citizens.

"I have served the people of Chililabombwe with undoubted commitment and sacrifice in the last five years as their member of parliament. We have endured challenges together and made significant improvements in many areas of need. I have come to believe that these challenges we face as a community will never be adequately addressed as long as we have Rupiah Banda and the MMD government. Our living standards would only be improved with the PF in government. My appeal is that the people of Chililabombwe should relax but work hard to remove the MMD," Banda said.

But MMD candidate Trudy Ng'andu said President Banda had scored several successes for the people of Chililabombwe and deserved their vote.

She said the MMD under President Banda was a visionary party that had created jobs for the people and maintained the mines at the time they were about to collapse.

Ng'andu said the people of Chiliabombwe must vote for her and President Banda because the PF, which was given the mandate to represent the people in Parliament in the last five years had failed to deliver the much-needed development.

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