
Thursday, September 01, 2011

Duffy was champion for the poor

Duffy was champion for the poor
By Christopher Miti in Chipata
Thu 01 Sep. 2011, 11:59 CAT

ANGLICAN Diocese of Eastern Zambia Bishop William Mchombo says late former Mongu Diocese Bishop Paul Duffy shall be remembered as a champion for the cause of the poor in society. Bishop Mchombo, who is currently out of the country, said Bishop Duffy strived to speak the truth at all times.

"I am very sorry about his passing on. Bishop Duffy shall be remembered as a champion for the cause of the poor in society. He gave of himself in sacrificial love for the wellbeing of the people, he pastored in particular and for all the people in general. True to his calling as a shepherd of the people he strived to speak the truth at all times," Bishop Mchombo said.

"As it is commonly said that the truth hurts, Bishop Duffy believed in his God as his refuge and protector against people who desired to vilify him or harm him for speaking the truth. The Church has lost one of its great advocates of social justice."

He said Bishop Duffy's death was a challenge to all clergy to learn to speak the truth no matter the conditions.

"It is a matter of fact that the Church cannot choose conditions in which to work, but that those conditions are given by God, hence the need to remain steadfast at all times. It is also important that those of our people who aspire for positions of leadership at various levels of our society in the coming tripartite elections should put truth and honesty on their campaign agendas. And our people should hold them against that. Our prayers are with the Church's faithful as we commend the spirit of Bishop Duffy to its eternal rest in the hope of rising again in glory," said Bishop Mchombo.

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