
Thursday, September 08, 2011

Follow up on campaign promises, urges Fr Gitzen

Follow up on campaign promises, urges Fr Gitzen
By Kombe Chimpinde
Thu 08 Sep. 2011, 14:00 CAT

ZAMBIANS must be active in the democratic process if they want to see true development, says Fr Pat Gitzen. In an interview, Fr Gitzen, who is currently a member of staff at Our Lady of Peace Novitiate in Doebra - Namibia, called on Zambians to actively participate in the country's affairs which was their democratic right.

He said any country's development was dependent on the level of citizens' participation which included voting as well as holding their leadership accountable for their decisions.

"This is the massive part of development. Everything comes down to voting, this is why you must take your right to vote. Make your vote count because development will come depending on that," Fr Gitzen said.

"I would tell them (Zambians) that your vote makes a difference. You must be convinced that with your vote, you will be the one to elect the president and that if you fail to do this, you only have yourself to blame for the results that are handed to you."

Fr Gitzen, however, said participation of citizens should not only end at casting a vote but extend to offering checks and balances to the elected leaders and making them account for their actions and decisions.

"...If you do not follow up on the election campaign promises made by leaders then you have deceived yourself," he said.

"You must follow up. You must say ‘this person promised us ABC, did that person give us what they promised.' It is just as important, that you be vocal in letting your leaders account for their deeds."

Fr Gitzen said making leaders account for their actions was important in ensuring that leaders delivered on promises made to the electorate.

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