
Friday, September 16, 2011

(HERALD) 124 girls raped in 12 days countrywide, say police

C0MMENT - One rape is one too many. However, if you do the math, if this number is somehow representative nationwide and throughout the year, 124 girls in 12 days, that is 10.333 per day, or 3772 per year. Zimbabwe has a population of 13 million, I presume that 6.5 million are women. So the random odds of being raped are 3772/6.5 mn, or 0.058%. Which isn't even 1/10th of one percent of all women in Zimbabwe. Just in case someone wants to spin this into an excuse to invade Zimbabwe.

124 girls raped in 12 days countrywide, say police
Friday, 16 September 2011 02:00
Freeman Razemba Crime Reporter

ONE-hundred-and-twenty-four girls were raped in the first 13 days of this month countrywide as the crime rate soars, police have confirmed.

Police say murder cases rose from three per week to 12 during the pe-riod.
According to police statistics, be-tween September 2 and 13 this year, 25 murder cases and 18 armed robberies were recorded. Chief police spokesperson Senior Assistant Commissioner Wayne Bvu-dzijena yesterday confirmed the emer-ging trends.

"These cases were recorded be-tween September 2 and 13 this year and we are concerned by this sudden increase where we recorded 25 murder cases, 18 armed robberies and 124 rape cases of juveniles," he said.

Snr Asst Comm Bvudzijena attributed some rape cases to negligence by guardians and parents who left juveniles in the custody of relatives and strangers for long periods.

"It is at this particular time that these girls are raped in most cases by persons who are known to the relatives. We appeal to the courts to mete out deterrent punishments to those convicted of such offences," he said.

Snr Asst Comm Bvudzijena said the highest number of rape cases were recorded in Harare, Midlands and Mashonaland East provinces.

On the 25 murder cases, Snr Asst Comm Bvudzijena said the level was unprecedented as normally four cases were reported a week countrywide.

"But this has multiplied three times the normal average per week. Mostly, some of these cases could have been avoided," he said.

Police attributed the surge in murder cases to drunkeness, petty arguments and economic hardships with people fighting over amounts ranging from US$1 to US$10.
He urged people to seek counselling from relatives or the police.

Harare recorded the highest number of armed robberies with nine, Bulawayo and Mashonaland East recorded two each, while Midlands, Manicaland, Masvingo, Mashonaland West and Mashonaland Central had one each.

The police spokesperson said robbers were targeting mostly taxis which then they use to commit crimes.

He urged businesspeople to desist from keeping large amounts of cash at home or their business premises.

Some thieves masquerade as police officers when approaching their targets.

"Even if they are wearing police uniform, they should ask for the police identification particulars, which shows the face of the officer, force number, rank, name, date of birth and international registration number," Snr Asst Comm Bvudzijena said.

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