
Friday, September 16, 2011

(HERALD) Rupiah promises EP victory party

Rupiah promises EP victory party
By Joseph Mwenda and Christopher Miti in Nyimba
Fri 16 Sep. 2011, 13:55 CAT

PRESIDENT Rupiah Banda is promising Eastern Province a victory party, saying triumph for the ruling MMD in next week's elections is certain because the opposition is barren. Addressing his last campaign rally of Eastern Province in Nyimba on Thursday, President Banda said demagogues would never be allowed to lead the country.

"Victory for the MMD in next week's elections is certain, the remaining few days are very key to us. If you vote well on Tuesday, I will be back to dance and celebrate our victory here," President Banda said.

He said his strongest opposition, Patriotic Front (PF) leader Michael Sata should get ready to kiss the dust on Tuesday.

"They have to fall again. We have to defeat them as we have defeated them before. In the case of the Patriotic Front, their leader has kissed the dust three times and this will be his fourth kissing of the dust. We must show them that Zambians don't want their kind of politics because they are threatening bloodshed in this country," he said.

He accused the opposition of planning to start war if they lost the elections.
"You have seen them on TV sharpening their pangas, but don't worry, you have a very powerful government that will protect you. No demagogue will be allowed to lead this country," President Banda said.

He said the opposition made a lot of noise demanding that the election date be announced and that when the date was set, the opposition complained that it was too soon.

"They are like ngomwa, a man who fails to perform in the bedroom.

When he sees women he follows and brags that he is a real man but when a woman invites him inside the house and undresses in front of him, he begins to give excuses," President Banda said.

Ironically though, President Banda told resident in Lundazi on Tuesday that his campaign team was running out of time.

"We have to hurry, we have run out of time. We are trying to be everywhere at the same time in these remaining few days," he said.

Later after his address in Nyimba, President Banda spotted an old UNIP friend who he introduced to the crowd.

"Mwale, welakuno weo, (come here). This was my best friend. We worked together in UNIP. Awisi mphundu… eniphunzisa nane mochitila neona kuti panthawi imozi basi tubili twawela (He is a father of twins. I was also taught how to do it and I saw two babies come at once)," President Banda said referring to his twins with the first lady.

Earlier at another rally in Petauke, President Banda tried to boost Dora Siliya's morale to a non-respondent crowd that visibly attended the rally to watch music performances by Angela Nyirenda, Dalisoul, Runell, Oga Family, Kings and Diffikoti among others.

Shortly after arriving at the rally, President Banda called Siliya, who is Petauke Central MMD parliamentary candidate and conferred with her for about 10 minutes.

Siliya then forwarded her accomplice Precious Zulu to denounce The Post for publishing the story in which she revealed that she divorced her husband because he was lazy in bed.

Zulu then asked President Banda to give her 30 minutes in order for her to attack The Post , but the President refused saying: "Yayi (No) we don't have that time".

When Siliya who was in a sombre mood finally went on the podium to be introduced, President Banda came in and instructed Thomas Sipalo (Diffikoti) who is in charge of his campaign entertainment, to play a special song for Dora Siliya to boost her morale.

Siliya then spoke briefly, urging the electorate not to follow her main rival Leonard Banda because he had nothing to offer them.

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