
Monday, September 05, 2011

Kabimba challenges police to arrest William Banda

Kabimba challenges police to arrest William Banda
By Ernest Chanda
Mon 05 Sep. 2011, 14:00 CAT

WYNTER Kabimba has challenged police to arrest William Banda if they have any interest in serving the public. Commenting on Lusaka Province MMD chairman William Banda's physical attacks on innocent villagers in Chongwe's Waterfalls area on Saturday in full view of over 40 police officers, Kabimba, who is Patriotic Front (PF) secretary general, described Banda as a devil walking the earth.

Kabimba said his statement, asking PF members to defend themselves was justified by Banda's uncontrolled violence in police presence. Over a week ago, police at Lusaka Central summoned Kabimba and recorded a warn and caution statement from him for calling on PF members to defend themselves from MMD orchestrated violence.

"I told police when they summoned me that the people of Zambia have lost confidence in the police.

And if an individual person in the name of William Banda with impunity commits acts of violence in full view of the police then my statement to PF members that you will not be accorded any police protection and therefore stand by yourselves and defend yourselves is valid," Kabimba said. "That call is timely and it is justified.

How else will PF members go about campaigning in the face of this actual violence if they do not defend themselves? And that is what I urge PF members to do because people like William Banda and his team are criminals and we'll refer to them as such.

And I want to challenge the police; I hope Mrs Masebo has reported this incident to the police. I want to see the police summon William Banda and warn and caution him at the same rate that they did to me."

Kabimba said if police failed to summon Banda then they would validate his observation and that of Electoral Commission of Zambia chairperson justice Irene Mambilima that police were soft on MMD cadres.

He said under the circumstances, President Rupiah Banda and MMD should take responsibility for any violence that would erupt during and after elections.
Kabimba also challenged churches and non-governmental organisations that condemned him over his call to PF members to defend themselves to also condemn Banda's criminal acts.

"And I want to see those churches that were busy condemning me, including former archbishop of Lusaka Catholic diocese Emmanuel Milingo, I want to see them condemn William Banda.

I want to see those NGOs that were saying that Kabimba is inciting violence condemn William Banda. If indeed all these churches mean well and speak in the name of God, here is a devil walking this earth in the name of William Banda, and I want to see them condemn him and condemn his boss Rupiah Banda," said Kabimba.

"I don't have to warn the police; I am just telling them that they risk plunging this country into fire if they do not tame William Banda. William Banda is supposed to be in the cells now, William Banda is supposed to be behind bars."

On Saturday, Banda and his MMD cadres physically attacked villagers in Chongwe for supporting the PF.

With the aim of pleasing President Banda who was scheduled to address a rally in the district, Banda smashed windows of two Land Cruiser motor vehicles belonging to Masebo, and beat up and severely injured helpless men and women in full view of the police.

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