
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Lunda chiefs pledge to work with PF government

Lunda chiefs pledge to work with PF government
By Kabanda Chulu
Tue 27 Sep. 2011, 11:00 CAT

LUNDA chiefs Ishindi of Zambezi and Ntambu of Mwinilunga have welcomed President Michael Sata's election as Republican President and have pledged to work with his government. And North Western Council of Elders chairperson Lucas Chikoti says it is regrettable that the region did not give President Sata and the Patriotic Front the much-expected votes.

In his congratulatory message to President Sata yesterday, senior chief Ishindi said the Lunda royal establishment was ready to work with President Sata's government.

"We pray that God will uphold and sustain him to bring about economic breakthrough for Zambia. We urge President Sata to put God first and people should bury all political differences and work together in developing the country," he said.

Chief Ntambu said chiefs work with the government of the day.

"Wunengili mwitala hitata yeyi hela wudi namuvumbu wumu (whoever enters your mother's house is your father, regardless of whether he is one-lipped)," said chief Ntambu from Solwezi.

"All we need is development in our areas; if he brings development, we will embrace him with two hands for our areas and the country to go forward. Nzambi amukingi ayuli itunga chiwahi (may God protect him to rule over the nation well)."

Meanwhile, Chikoti said the voting pattern in the province was bad considering the underdevelopment and high poverty levels that prevail in the area.

"Congratulations to Mr Sata for his victory. He is a practical man and we are hopeful that he will deliver on various developmental challenges affecting the country in general. We are happy since our concerns about development fell on deaf ears because the previous regime never listened to our cries but fortunately God's will has prevailed and people expect the governance system to change," Chikoti said.

"I agree with you, the voting pattern was bad partly because people were threatened and coerced with gifts and although this was happening everywhere, I can say some people are quick to embrace change in some areas and in this province people are slow to change. We are sorry that we didn't give President Sata and his party the much-expected votes but at least there has been an improvement from previous elections."

And newly-elected PF Kankoyo parliamentarian Levy Chabala compared President Sata to St Michael and his angels in the Bible who fought the great dragon.

"This victory is not in vain and the PF government will now start addressing the many challenges people are facing that have been left by the corrupt MMD regime," said Chabala.

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