Monday, September 19, 2011

MMD has compromised fight against corruption, says Milupi

MMD has compromised fight against corruption, says Milupi
By Kombe Chimpinde
Sun 18 Sep. 2011, 13:55 CAT

CHARLES Milupi says a corruption-free system is the cornerstone of sustainable development. In an interview, Milupi, the Alliance for Democracy and Development presidential candidate said Zambians should forget about the fight against corruption under President Rupiah Banda's leadership because he was incapable.

Milupi said Zambians must go for leaders that had a proven record of fighting the vice, now endemic in the country.

"Those who want to fight corruption, those who abhor corruption, those who believe that one of the reasons why Zambia's development has retarded is corruption, they can no longer look to MMD," Milupi said.

"The attitude they (MMD) have exhibited in fighting corruption, especially in President Banda's time, the MMD has been found wanting on issues pointing to corruption."

Milupi said the removal of abuse of office clause from the Anti-Corruption Act, removal of windfall tax, repealing the industrial minerals Act which was seeking to advantage Zambians in terms of exploitation of industrial minerals were indicative of the fact that the MMD administration was no longer capable of leading the fight against corruption.

"That is why ADD is a policy of zero tolerance against corruption. And really if we want to develop Zambia, that (fighting corruption) is the starting point," Milupi said.

He said Zambians where loosing many fortunes as a result of corruption in the public sector which had spilt over to the private sector.

"What that means is, the fight against corruption has been compromised because this government has shown us that there is nothing wrong with people being corrupt not only in the public sector but other sectors as well, where for you to get a contract now, you probably have to oil someone's hand," Milupi said.

He emphasised that the removal of clause 37 of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) Act was the greatest scandal to the Zambian governance that had rendered all agencies mandated to fight corruption moribund.

"… for as long as Rupiah Banda is in office, you will not see proper cases being prosecuted. What you will continue to see is the persecution of his opponents and for as long as those loyal to him remain with him, you will hear nothing about them," said Milupi.

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