
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

MMD planning Sata death hoax - Wina

MMD planning Sata death hoax - Wina
By Moses Kuwema
Wed 14 Sep. 2011, 14:00 CAT

INONGE Wina says the PF is aware of the MMD's scheme to hoodwink people about Michael Sata's health. In an interview, Wina, the Patriotic Front national chairperson, said such campaign tactics on Sata's alleged illness were aimed at manipulating people ahead of the general elections next week. However, Wina assured Zambians that the PF leader was well and campaigning on the Copperbelt.

"We have information that on September 19, we have been informed by very senior inside MMD sources, they want to announce that Mr Sata has died so that the following day when people go voting they will just be confused," said Wina on Monday.

"Secondly, the repeated reports alleging that Mr Sata was sick and that he collapsed in Nalolo when he came for the campaigns and that he was almost lynched by UPND cadres in Mangango... these are false stories based on evil fabrication because Mr Sata is very well and was welcomed well in the Western Province. And there was no indication at all that he is a sick person."

Wina said all these tricks by the MMD were kicks of a dying horse and mere desperation of the highest level.

She said the desperation had permeated the whole structure of the MMD, including the grassroots cadres because they did not know what had hit them.

"They don't know what to do. That's why they have resorted to this character assassination of the lowest levels. That is extremely unbelievable. I think the general public should know, that's why these SMSs are being intensified. I think it's just to prepare us so that on the 19th at night people will be told that Sata has passed away in order to confuse them more on the day of voting," Wina said.

She urged all PF members and supporters to ignore such messages.

Wina also said the international election observers should take note of such false reports because they had the potential to cause violence in the country.

"Actually, it's a very dangerous trend that the MMD and Mr Banda are setting because the people will not accept a manipulated and rigged election," said Wina.

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