Sunday, September 11, 2011

Opposition is frustrated - Rupiah

Opposition is frustrated - Rupiah
By Mwala Kalaluka in Mongu
Sun 11 Sep. 2011, 14:00 CAT

PRESIDENT Rupiah Banda says MMD members have lost weight in the process of campaigning ahead of the September 20 general elections. And President Banda says Mongu has changed since he visited the place last year.

Addressing a poorly attended rally, comprising people ferried from areas within and outside Mongu at Mulambwa Grounds on Friday, President Banda said his opponents wanted to cause electoral confusion so that they push for a partnership government with the MMD after the polls.

President Banda said through his interpreter, Mongu district commissioner Jethro Mumbuwa, who exaggerated most of the pronouncements, that the MMD members had lost weight in their effort to ensure that they beat their opponents hands down in the election.

"I stood here in Mongu three years ago in 2008 to ask for your vote and you gave it to me," President Banda told the sparsely spread crowd.

"In 2008 when you voted for me to become President of this country, to these great people, you didn't know what I was capable of doing then. I believe that together with all of you we have been able to work hard for our country."

He said Zambians have been able to keep the unity of the country.

"We are here again to practise our democracy. In 2008, you elected me and I assured you that I will ensure that the Zambian people continue to enjoy the democracy that they like so much," President Banda said.

"Your government, under my leadership, has done everything possible to prepare for these elections. We have put money in place. We have printed all the documents which are required for the elections."
He said in exercising their collective wish, Zambians should vote for people who believe in democracy.
"Don't take democracy for granted," President Banda said. "We have campaigned so hard. I have seen some of my colleagues who have come from the battleground, we have lost weight in the process because we believe that people should not be taken for granted," President Banda said. "We have to campaign. We have to go door-to-door and explain to the voters what it is that we are going to do for the people once they have re-elected us back to government."

He said the MMD was the legitimate parent of Zambia's democracy and should ensure elections were conducted peacefully.

"Not only are we the ruling party, we have also worked very hard over the last three years," he said.
President Banda said Zambians would vote for MMD because of their work.

He said MMD opponents in the polls would lose and all they merely want is to mess up the whole process "so that hopefully they can be called to be our partners in government because of the difficulties which they have created".

President Banda said he believed the MMD would beat its opponents clean.

"They have nothing to show the Zambian people. Even as individuals many of them are unable to stand up and say what they have done for the people...So you cannot trust these people that when they come they will keep their promises," he said.

"We have a record. We promised you we would build the road from Mongu to Kalabo and as I am speaking to you now, the machines are rolling on that very complex but very important road."

President Banda said what is happening in Mongu was what was happening in every district of Western Province and in all provinces.

"That is how hard working this party and this government are," he said.

President Banda said his government was fixing roads in most of the compounds on the line of rail where his government was labelled as useless.

"They (opposition) are frustrated; they don't know what to do. So the next step is, 'where did you get the money from?' There is no bank in this country or in the world who can say the MMD broke into their banks and stole money," President Banda said. "This is money of the Zambian people and we are responding to the needs of our people. Our country is growing. Mongu is growing ... I was in Mongu last year, it is different now from what it was."

President Banda, who yet again could not apologise to the people of Mongu over his government's orchestrated Barotseland Agreement-related Mongu killings in January this year, said many of those opposing him did not even know how to grow a mango tree.

"Don't mind them, don't pay attention to them, don't vote for them. They have no programme for us the people of Zambia. They just want power for the sake of power and for that they will do anything," said President Banda. "They have no record of being good leaders and therefore I ask our people to vote for us."

MMD national secretary Major Richard Kachingwe complained at the same rally that the PF supporters in Mongu were provoking MMD members.

Maj Kachingwe said when the Presidential delegation arrived in Mongu on Thursday, they were provoked by PF supporters.

President Banda's rally in Mongu was poorly attended despite a musical performance by the Liseli Sisters, who were clad in MMD misisi, and other singers that have become a feature of the ruling party's election trail.

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