
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Phiri refutes describing Sata as illogical

Phiri refutes describing Sata as illogical
By Bright Mukwasa
Wed 14 Sep. 2011, 13:59 CAT

ZAMBIA'S education system has been paralysed since the MMD took over power, says PF chairman for education Dr John Phiri. And Dr Phiri is demanding a retraction from the Sunday Mail over comments attributed to him as having said PF leader Michael Sata is illogical and that he fails to make sense in most of his discussions due to his ill education.

Dr Phiri featured at a Zambia National Education Coalition (ZANEC) public forum for political parties participating in this month's elections to discuss their parties' education manifestoes.

"The education sector is completely paralysed. Time has come for us to have a re-look at the education system in this country from early childhood education, primary, secondary and tertiary education, if we are going to liberate our young people," Dr Phiri said.

"We should also look at the language policy. In my view one of the contributing factors is language, where we have despised our own language and admire those who speak English. The more articulate one is in being misrepresented to mean that that person is intelligent and that's the mistake we made when we elected late president Chiluba."

Dr Phiri said English should not be the standard when evaluating an individual.
He also dismissed Sunday Mail's article attributed to him, castigating Sata.

"I was surprised that the Sunday Mail says I said he's Sata illogical and fails to make sense in most of his discussions. Far from the truth. I never (said that), how would I? Am I mad to go to a forum to castigate my own president? If it is the weapon they want to use to divide me, then they are mistaken because I am 100 per cent PF," said Dr Phiri.

He accused Sunday Mail of attempting to alienate him from Sata and that his allegiance was unshakable.

"I went to Sunday Mail and did not find anybody useful there. I am going to Sunday Mail and probably with my lawyer Mr. Wynter Kabimba tomorrow for them to retract this or else we go to court."

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