
Friday, September 02, 2011

Rupiah asks Zambians to trust him

Rupiah asks Zambians to trust him
By Misheck Wangwe in Mwinilunga
Fri 02 Sep. 2011, 14:00 CAT

PRESIDENT Rupiah Banda says Zambians must learn to trust him because he is a good leader who has served the country with diligence over the past three years.

Addressing a campaign rally at the Freedom Square in Mwinilunga, President Banda said he would never betray Zambians once given the full mandate of five years to rule the nation, but would work hard to uplift the living standards of the people particularly those in rural areas.

He said opposition leaders like PF Michael Sata could not be trusted with anything because he knew nothing about the challenges of governing the nation.
President Banda said under his reign, the MMD government had been sensitive to the needs of the people.

He said North Western Province had seen unprecedented levels of development within the period he had been Republican President looking at the construction of roads, the rural electrification programme and a strengthened agriculture sector that had led to consecutive bumper harvests.

President Banda said although it had taken close to 20 years for the MMD government to work on the widely talked about Mutanda-Chavuma road, his government was determined to complete it to ease the movements of people and goods.

"I' am a lucky and blessed Republican President because Zambians of all ages are supporting me. Prominent people and veteran politicians from this region like Dr Peter Matoka are behind me. Young people like Joe Kalusa are also supporting me and victory for me in this year's election is certain," President Banda said.

President Banda said the campaign trail of the MMD was going on well because it was issues based and the party had no time to talk ill or insult the opposition.
He said people challenging the MMD in this year's elections must stand publicly and condemn violence in the strongest possible terms like he had demonstrated to the nation.

President Banda said all well-meaning Zambians must decline to associate themselves with politicians that were agitating violence.

And Enoch Kavindele said the people of North Western Province should not waste time listening to the opposition because the MMD under President Banda was delivering the much-needed development.

Kavindele said Zambians should be wary of some of the opposition leaders that were contesting the elections because they were capable of bringing turmoil in the country.

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