
Thursday, September 08, 2011

Sata accuses Rupiah of being ungrateful to Barotseland

Sata accuses Rupiah of being ungrateful to Barotseland
By George Chellah in Nalolo
Thu 08 Sep. 2011, 14:01 CAT

MICHAEL Sata says President Rupiah Banda has been ungrateful to the people of Barotseland. And Sata said unlike President Banda,who is a "playboy", he has stood with the people of Barotseland during difficult times.

Addressing a rally at Nasilimwe Basic School, across the Zambezi River, Sata reminded the people of Barotseland about President Banda's ingratitude and arrogance towards them ever since they made him head of state.

"In 2008, Barotseland made Rupiah Banda to be President of Zambia with 35,000 votes. When Western Province MMD chairperson Simasiku Namakando complained that there is no development in Barotseland, Rupiah Banda told you the Lozi people that ‘I did not beg for your vote, you begged me'," said Sata as the crowd cheered in agreement.

"Zambia is a very big and rich country. Zambia has a very small population in the region. But when you take a playboy, a person who is not serious like Rupiah Banda, what he does is to sell everything."

Sata said unlike President Banda, he has stood with the people of Barotseland during difficult times.

"Somebody was telling me there is no secondary school, there is no canal, there is no fish marketing and there is no fish storage. Where is the ‘thank you' for your 35,000 votes?" Sata asked.

"In January when the government of Rupiah Banda killed our own children, the only person who came to Barotseland and addressed a rally at Blue Gum was Michael Sata. Where was ULP, ADD and MMD?

"I am pleased we have continued fighting and crying with you that now the courts have started granting bail to our children and we shall continue fighting until all those who are not dead are free."

Sata said he visited Nalolo to see President Banda's so-called unprecedented development.

"You have plenty of fish but you have no conservation of your fish. Where is the development of your government? Where is MMD? For 20 years, there is no difference as you were in UNIP. What has MMD got to show here and all the MMD MPs you have been voting for?" he asked.

He said things could change if Zambians moved together.

He said the few hospitals and roads the country had today were because the country's forefathers sacrificed, "they were not thieves."

And Nalolo PF candidate Inonge Wina urged Sata to assist the people with a proper road network when PF forms government.

"This is our biggest cry; they are talking about the markets, they are talking about hospitals. But we need to open this area so that we can trade with others; we can market our produce, we can market our rice, fish and cattle," Wina said.

"This area produces timber but this timber is taken away by other investors who come here and steal everything including cattle from here. So we are saying PF in government has to look at us, it has to look at this area and address these issues."

Addressing another rally earlier at Muoyo Basic School in Nalolo Constituency, Sata said the pioneers of Zambia's independence had a vision for Barotseland despite the terrain.

"Kenneth Kaunda, Nalumino Mundia, Mr Sipalo and Arthur Wina said they will conquer the sand. Kaunda imported these cashew nuts you are seeing all over Barotseland. Kaunda appointed parastatal managers who stole our money and Rupiah Banda was one of them," Sata said.

"They tell you Zambia has no money. When the husband Arthur Wina of this woman Inonge Wina was minister they found money to build a road from Livingstone to Mongu."

He said the elected representatives were not committed towards the development of the region.

"If you clear the canals people will fish freely, people will carry their produce freely, you can grow rice and revive the cashew nut industry," he said.

"Levy Mwanawasa gave you Prof Lungwangwa as minister of education. Can Lungwangwa look at that school and say he is thankful to the people of Barotseland."

He said Vice-President George Kunda could afford to forget easily about the Mongu shooting because none of his relatives perished or are in prison.

Sata said the PF in government would upgrade chief's palaces.

"For us to say ‘thank you' to people of Barotseland is to upgrade Namushakende into a university. We have to give every induna and village headman responsibility because these are people that are closer to the people. What people want should go through village headmen and indunas," he said.

He said the PF government would enhance food production in the region.

"Any country which produces food is much richer than a country which has no food. In Barotseland, you produce rice, you produce fish; we have to encourage you," he said.

He also said there was need for mineral exploration.

"In Namibia there are diamonds why should God not give us diamonds? In Angola there is oil and diamonds, here why should there not be diamonds and oil?" Sata asked.

"Where is the future for our children if we can't cry for them? Teachers and medical staff are running away from rural areas to go to town. The vote is your weapon."

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