
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Sata renames airports

Sata renames airports
By Chibaula Silwamba
Wed 28 Sep. 2011, 14:20 CAT

PRESIDENT Michael Sata yesterday renamed Lusaka International Airport after first Republican president Kenneth Kaunda.

The President has also renamed Livingstone International Airport after liberation hero Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula and Ndola International Airport after Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe in honour of their contribution to Zambia's independence.

Swearing in Francis Chalabesa as his principal private secretary at State House in Lusaka yesterday, President Sata said there was need to reconcile the past, the present and the future.

"We have to reconcile with the past because without the past, there will be no present and without the present there will be no future. I am taking this occasion to show you what I said in church. This country is what it is because we have forgotten where we came from," President Sata said. "I am renaming Livingstone International Airport after the late Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula. So it will be Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula International Airport with immediate effect. I am renaming Lusaka International Airport to be KK International Airport and I am renaming Ndola International Airport as Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe International Airport."

He urged Chalabesa to assist the Secretary to the Cabinet in removing what he termed "the cobwebs and old viruses - visible and invisible".

"This place State House should not be an exclusive island, it should be for the people of Zambia, for the benefit of the people of Zambia," said President Sata, while congratulating Chalabesa. "You know all the corners."

Chalabesa was principal private secretary to former president Frederick Chiluba for 10 years.

And France has congratulated President Sata on his election.

"For the second time in its history, Zambia is experiencing a political changeover, following elections which took place under conditions deemed to have been fair and transparent by electoral missions sent to this country," said a statement from the French government's foreign ministry."We are delighted, together with the Zambian people, at this new demonstration of the vitality of democracy in this country and wish to congratulate the elected President who should be sworn-in very soon."

According to the French embassy in Zambia, President Nicolas Sarkozy's individually congratulated President Sata and former president Rupiah Banda.

And British Foreign Secretary, William Hague, commended the Zambian people and said he looked forward to deepening relations between Zambia and the UK.

"I warmly congratulate the people of Zambia on their elections this week. Zambia is undergoing a peaceful transfer of power through the ballot box, which is a proud achievement for the people of Zambia, and for their government and Election Commission," said Hague in his congratulatory message to President Sata.

He said Zambia had shown Africa and the world the power of democracy.

He said Banda's statement conceding defeat and congratulating President Sata was statesmanlike and set an example for all democratic politicians everywhere to follow.

Hague said he looked forward to working with President Sata and his new government in the years to come, and further deepening the excellent relations between the UK and Zambia.

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