
Wednesday, September 07, 2011

(TALKZIMBABWE) Agriculture sector leads economic growth

Agriculture sector leads economic growth
Posted by By Our reporter at 6 September, at 15 : 19 PM

THE agricultural sector has preserved its position in the contribution to Zimbabwe’s economic growth as seen by its appreciable contribution to the national Gross Domestic Product (GDP), President Mugabe has said.

In his address at the official opening of the Fourth Session of the Seventh Parliament of Zimbabwe last week, President Robert Mugabe noted that the agricultural sector has made a convincing contribution to the national fiscus which was disturbed by unreliable rainfall patterns which hit some parts of the country in the last season.

In that regard, President Mugabe said research has shown that the country should apply mechanisation and efficient inputs in order to increase productivity per unit area.

He said despite the limited resources at disposal, Government was making firm development in the rehabilitation and development of irrigation projects under the 2011 Public Sector Investment Programme.

“The agricultural sector has maintained pole position in terms of its contribution to the economy’s growth, having contributed 33, 9 per cent to the country’s Gross Domestic Product in 2010,” the President said.

He added: “However the rising frequency of erratic rainfall patterns afflicting our region demands that there be greater emphasis on irrigation.

“Further, through research, mechanisation and efficient application of inputs, the country should aspire to increased productivity per unit area and to this end, and in spite of the limited resources at its disposal; Government is making steady progress in the rehabilitation and development of irrigation projects under the 2011 Public Sector Investment Programme.”

President Mugabe said Government has completed eight projects which costed US$494 thousand while thirty more projects were being done around the country.

He said there were various mechanisation programmes which were being pursed with the help of friendly countries.

The mid-season dry spell which the country experienced in some provinces left several households lying face down to starvation, a move which made Government to move maize with speed to the Grain Marketing Board (GMB) depots in affected areas, he added.

President Mugabe reiterated that government had carried out a widespread land policy review exercise in order to consolidate the agrarian land redistribution act, adding that the review addressed several issues of resettlement operational modalities and land planning among others.

“To further consolidate the Land Reform Programme, a comprehensive land policy review exercise was carried out and this addressed issues of resettlement operational modalities, land planning and resettlement on timber, tea and coffee plantations,” he said.

He made it clear that the 99 year leases were being reviewed with a view to give them guarantee value, and this, the President added, was supposed to enable the A2 farmers to secure endowment for their operations using the lease document.

There was also a similar process underway with regard to the A1 land resettlement permit and that the draft implementation framework and terms of reference for the National Land Audit Commission were already crafted and will be subjected to further refinement and approval processes and the land audit will begin.

“Furthermore, the 99 year leases are being reviewed with a view to according them collateral value.

“This should enable A2 farmers to secure funding for their operations using the lease document and a similar process is also underway with regard to the A1 land resettlement permit.

“The draft implementation framework and terms of reference for the National Audit Commission already crafted will be subjected to further refinement and necessary approval processes, following which the Audit shall commence.”

The manufacturing sector and downstream industries have new life breathed on them as the former giant steel maker, Zisco Steel, now New Zimsteel, has been revived.

The veteran president added that the One-Stop-Shop Investment Centre launched last year which was given legal effect by the Zimbabwe Investment Authority Bill was going to be tabled before the august House during this session.

“The recent re-opening of the dormant ZISCOSTEEL as the New ZIMSTEEL is a pleasing development, which will no doubt give further impetus to the recovery of our manufacturing sector and other downstream industries.

“The Zimbabwe Investment Authority Bill, which gives legal effect to the One-Stop Shop Investment Centre launched in December last year shall be brought to this august House during this Session,” said President Mugabe.

He also assured the investors in the country that their investment remains safe and urged them to maintain compliance with the country’s laws, most likely the Indegenisation Law.

President Mugabe also told the house that the country must take advantage of its geographical location in the region and must take the advantage to be the region’s transport and communication focal point.

He said it was imperative, however for the country to take solid steps to position the country to effectively play the role and give the growing momentum towards the region.

“Zimbabwe’s central geographical location in the region presents opportunities for the country to transform into a regional transport and communication hub.

“There is therefore need for the concrete steps to position the country to effectively play this role, more so, given the growing momentum towards regional integration,” said President Mugabe.

President Mugabe said the growth of the Small to Medium Enterprises sector continues to be hampered by the lack of appropriate infrastructure and reliance on inappropriate technologies and that Government approved the policy framework for Infrastructure Provision for Micro, Small and Medium enterprises to facilitate the development and provision of relevant infrastructure.

He said Government undertook a payroll audit exercise to evaluate staff levels and effectiveness of the civil service.

He added that government entered into a joint venture project with local authorities to address issues of housing and that 20 per cent quota was reserved for the civil service.

Meanwhile, President Mugabe said Government was saddened by the grounding of the national airline, Air Zimbabwe, and said Government was working on short term measures to ease the problem.

He made it open that Government was going to search for a strategic partner as a medium to long term solution to the ailing national airliner.

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