Sunday, September 04, 2011

UNZA students give Kabimba, Luo a ‘Don't kubeba' welcome

UNZA students give Kabimba, Luo a ‘Don't kubeba' welcome
By Ernest Chanda
Sun 04 Sep. 2011, 14:30 CAT

UNZA students on Thursday evening gave PF Munali parliamentary candidate Professor Nkandu Luo and secretary general Wynter Kabimba a ‘don't kubeba' welcome when the duo went to address them. And Kabimba said PF leader Michael Sata is not a materialist but lives a simple life.

When the duo entered the lecture theatre at the invitation of the University of Zambia Political Science Association and the University of Zambia Students Union, the students stood and gave rounds of applause to the two leaders.

As soon as they stopped clapping, they made a ‘shh' sound indicating the popular PF slogan of "Don't kubeba" don't tell them for about five minutes while on the other hand flashing the PF symbol of a clenched fist with others shouting, ema party aya these are the parties.

And during the singing of the national anthem, a majority of the students lifted their clenched fists in solidarity with the PF leadership.

Others who accompanied Kabimba and Prof Luo were central committee member Dr Ngosa Simbyakula, chairman for mobilisation Charles Banda, and two officials from the research team namely Alfred Sikanyika and Kenny Chilepwe.

Later students jubilated when Kabimba told them that of the two degrees PF leader Michael Sata has, one is in political science.

Kabimba's response arose from a question by one of the students who wanted to know Sata's educational background.

And Prof Luo said there was need to invest in a lot of research at UNZA.

Responding to questions from students on how she would improve the situation at the institution, Prof Luo said there should be people specifically employed to carry out research.

"We need to restructure the university, we need to change the way it is run. Once elected I will work hand in hand with the University Council to devise ways of making money for this institution. For example, this university does not employ people whose sole purpose is research.

The researchers by nature of their job they write proposals and bring in money into departments. And because the researchers and lecturers start getting paid from the money coming from research activities, then the money is liberated to start developing infrastructure both in the departments and for the students," Prof Luo explained as students shouted "data, data".

Prof Luo said the MMD government should be ashamed of itself for paying drug addicts to beat up other citizens.

She said Lusaka Province MMD chairman William Banda had been abusing drug addicts for violence.

"This is the only government which abuses children hooked on drugs instead of rehabilitating them. William Banda has been using these youths to come and beat us. And this is a government which claims to promote peace.

That is why I agree with my secretary general's statement that we must defend ourselves," said Prof Luo.

Prof Luo said the PF government would not tolerate the reckless borrowing that MMD had engaged into.

And Kabimba said he was a proud disciple of Sata.

"I've worked with both Mr Rupiah Banda and Mr Sata. And I can tell you that Michael Sata is not materialistic.

His life is not built on accumulating wealth for himself. Michael Sata leads a very simple life. Michael Sata, for those that have worked with him, he demands discipline," Kabimba said.

Asked what the PF would do to control the number of political parties in the country, Kabimba said his government would let parties die on their own.

He said the people could see even now which parties were growing and which ones were dying.

"PF is responding to the natural law of growth, it is growing. I don't want to mention any political parties, but if you look at the rest, they have been sliding down towards the grave.

We have no intention to outlaw any political party. But we shall allow the people of Zambia to decide which political party should die and which one should continue," said Kabimba.

"That decision I leave it to you the people. For us we are enjoying our growth; we have a regional image now, we have an international image and I can tell you that PF is unstoppable."

Asked to clarify his call for PF cadres to defend themselves, Kabimba said he stood by his statement because police were defending MMD criminals.

Kabimba explained that in no way did he call for violence but he simply asked his fellow party members to defend themselves from MMD violence which police were failing to control.

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