
Thursday, October 20, 2011

3 regulatory bodies sign MoU

3 regulatory bodies sign MoU
By Ndinawe Simpelwe
Thu 20 Oct. 2011, 07:50 CAT

THREE regulators have signed a memorandum of understanding to harmonise standard developments and competition in the country. The Zambia Information and Communications Technology Authority (ZICTA), Consumer and Competition Protection Commission (CCPC) and the Zambia Bureau of Standards (ZABS) signed the MoU in Lusaka on Tuesday.

Speaking at the signing ceremony, ZICTA director general Margaret Chalwe said the MoUs would coordinate and harmonise matters relating to competition in different sectors of the economy.

Chalwe said the MoU between ZICTA and the CCPC would pave way for the creation of a joint working committee that would be acting on the referral of complaints in relation to ICT products and services as well as investigating matters relating to competition enforcement.

"The two regulatory bodies have seen it fit to have in place an
established manner in which they can interact in respect of
investigations on restrictive business practices, abuse of dominant
position of market power and due diligence on mergers and acquisition
transactions taking place in the ICT sector," Chalwe said.

On the MoU with ZABS, Chalwe said it would ensure that the two
institutions avoid regulatory overlaps and duplication of effort.
She said ZICTA would use gazetted mandatory standards to approve
products to be placed on the Zambian market.

"The standards developed should not introduce technical barriers to
trade but must take into account Zambia's trade commitments to
regional and international trade organisations such as SADC, COMESA
and WTO," said Chalwe.

ZABS standards development manager Margaret Lungu said the MoUs would
strengthen the relationships of the three organisations and clarify
the roles of their standards developments.

Lungu said all the products that would be sold on the market would
have to conform to the standards that would be set.

And CCPC executive director Chilufya Sampa said the institutions were
signing the MoU anchored on three key reasons.

Sampa said the MoU would coordinate regulation without frustrating
business through duplication of enforcement, ensure competence and
success and to share resources and expertise.

"The growth of the telecommunications sector has indeed contributed
significantly to the economic growth of the country through the
various investments undertaken and also led to more consumer choice
for mobile products. However, the growth has also led to competition
which may at times lead to conduct that requires regulating," said

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