
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Anyone with evidence against DPP must report it to ACC - Sata

Anyone with evidence against DPP must report it to ACC - Sata
By Bright Mukwasa
Tue 11 Oct. 2011, 12:40 CAT

ANYONE with evidence against the director of public prosecutions (DPP) Chalwe Mchenga must report it to the relevant authorities to avoid us running on government of witch-hunting, says President Michael Sata.

Speaking when he swore in Ministry of Justice permanent secretary Mbololwa Muyaba, Lusaka Province permanent secretary Charity Mwansa and Deputy Zambia Army Commander Major General Topply Lubaya at State House yesterday, President Sata said he was not comfortable with the character assassination of individuals, in the media, who were not able to defend themselves.

"If you think the people are corrupt and if you think they are not suitable for the particular post, your imaginary post, bring the evidence. Once you bring the evidence, if you're scared of taking it to Anti Corruption bring it to me, I will take it to the Anti Corruption Commission. What has been appearing in the paper about Mr Mchenga, I am not very comfortable at all," President Sata said.

"I am not very happy at all. I am not going to lead a country of witch-hunt because today it will be Chalwe Mchenga tomorrow it will be Michael Sata. I was the first person who was assaulted that Mr Sebastian Zulu is Bemba, that Mr Ngosa Simbyakula is Bemba even Dr Kanganja because they accused me of tribalism."

The President instructed justice minister Sebastian Zulu to look into the issue.
"I am not saying withdraw their licences but I am saying the Ministry of Justice should this time function not the way it functioned with Mr George Kunda. That's why I did not make the justice minister vice-president because he was overwhelmed by the job of being vice-president," he said.

President Sata also urged newly-appointed permanent secretaries in the Ministry of Justice, Mbololwa Muyaba, and Lusaka Province permanent secretary Mwansa to work harder.

"Madam Charity Mwansa provincial permanent secretary, don't just sit in that little office of yours, supervise Chongwe, Kafue, supervise the councils, call them. The rubbish which is lingering around you as permanent secretary you're senior to the town clerk, there's some autonomy.

You are senior to the mayor, tell them what you want to see. People are surprised I am picking ladies because sometimes ladies when they make up their minds it's very difficult for them to be corrupted," said President Sata.

He also advised the newly-appointed Army Commander to create opportunities for officers to get occupied with work.

"Now Mr Army Commander, before the campaign the former army commander sent the wife in all the cantons saying when Michael Sata comes to power, he will make sure you sweep the streets.

All over the world there's no war but if you look at the defence forces…you're always trained with initiative to pre-occupy yourselves because idle hands are always tempted," he said.

"Can somebody tell me what's so impossible for us to start Mulungushi Textiles; can somebody tell me what's so impossible for us to start Kafue Textiles madam permanent secretary?

If the Chinese don't want to work with you, go to South Korea. We have plenty of cotton in this country keep your soldiers occupied. If you don't keep your soldiers occupied, they will be mischievous. Why should we be spending money on feeder roads when you have your engineering department?

What are you engineering about?" he said, adding, "Because I remember when there was the freedom struggle it was your army which paved the roads around Katete and around all these other places, why should we be spending money instead of giving you the money if you can do these feeder roads. You can even do the tar roads because you did that road from Katete to Mozambique."

President Sata said the army had plenty of potential to do most of the engineering works in the country and advised defence minister Geoffrey Mwamba to harmonise the conditions of service for defence and security personnel.

"Mr GBM let me know because we know the cost of mealie-meal. I don't mind giving the soldiers that increment instead of giving them handouts. Don't give soldiers, don't give the police, don't give prisons...don't give all these people handouts, give them the money they deserve and there's a very big gap between the police, the army, the air force and ZNS," said President Sata.

"They are all defence and security let us harmonise their conditions of service because if we don't harmonise their conditions of service, you're inviting problems. I can at least run, how can Mr GBM run? laughter. So you two young men (Army commanders), you are coming from India, you came from Pretoria you have tested good milile good living and pass that good milile to the men and women in uniform."

Meanwhile, speaking on Sunday at a post-election thanksgiving church service at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Lusaka, President Sata said God has given him a challenge to transform Zambia.

"I always like to have a challenge. God gave me a challenge as governor of Lusaka, I transformed Lusaka and now God has given me a challenge to lead this country and that's all I am thanking God for."

The thanksgiving service was attended by first Republican president Kenneth Kaunda,Vice-President Guy Scott, political party leaders and diplomats.

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