
Thursday, October 13, 2011

(DAILY MAIL) ZRA boss suspended

ZRA boss suspended

PRESIDENT Sata has suspended the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) commissioner general Wisdom Nhekairo and his commissioner of customs Mukela Mutukwa to pave way for investigations.

And President has appointed Lieutenant-General Eric Chimese as Zambia Air Force Commander and Lieutenant-General Mulyokela Mulyokela as Deputy Commander.
Meanwhile the President has appointed Brigadier-General Emmeldah Chola as Ministry of Defence permanent secretary.

President Sata was speaking on October 12 at State House after the swearing-in ceremony for the ZAF commander that he has suspended the two commissioners at ZRA to pave way for thorough investigations.

He said ZRA is full of corruption and that he will soon set up a commissioner of inquire to probe ZRA and ensure that it is cleaned up.

“I ‘am very allergic to corruption and I want within one week to ensure that ZRA is probed,” President Sata said.

And President Sata urged the newly-appointed commander, who has taken over from General Andrew Sakala, to come up with initiatives that will generate income for the Air Force.

Mr Sata said it is important for the Air Force to engage in activities that will sustain them and not in activities that do not yield anything.

President Sata has also asked the ZAF commander to submit a detailed report regarding the jets that have been in Israel for 20 years.

“I need a genuine report to indicate whether it is necessary for us to bring those planes that are in Israel,” he said.

President Sata has also appointed former Gender Minister Sarah Sayifwanda to head the Gender Divison Ministry that will fall under Cabinet office.

“I have withdrawn Gender and it has gone back to Cabinet Office where Ms Sayifwanda will be incharge.I talked to Ms Sayifwanda about my decision to appoint her and she accepted,” Mr Sata said.

Meanwhile, President Sata said he has suspended a contract between Zesco and a named Egyptian company that was hired by the previous government to pave for way for investigations.

“It has come to my attention that the Egyptian company was milking us money so I have decided to suspend this contract to pave way for investigation,” he said.

President Sata has also suspended the contract between a named Chinese company and State house because it was also siphoning government money.

And President Sata commended Minister of Home Affirms Kennedy Sakeni for his tremendous efforts to have the Mangango member of Parliament Robert Chiseki arrested.

Meanwhile the President said Zambia will soon open up foreign missions in Argentina, Portugal, Spain and Saudi Arabia.

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