
Wednesday, October 05, 2011

FISP must be revisited - freedom fighter

COMMENT - Why would anyone need to ask the president to rename a basic school? I think decentralisation is in order.

FISP must be revisited - freedom fighter
By Edwin Mbulo in Livingstone
Wed 05 Oct. 2011, 09:40 CAT

THE Farmer Input Support Programme must be revisited as only rich people are benefiting from the initiative, says a freedom fighter. In an interview, Million Sichenge Siamakumba, who is Southern Province Freedom and Democracy Fighters Association coordinator, has appealed to the government to always include a freedom fighter wherever there was a fertiliser programme.

"We appeal to the government to look at the issue of the old people especially in the rural areas, a lot of peasant farmers have not benefited from the Farmer Input Support Programme because it only benefiting the rich," Siamakumba said.

He said there was need for the government to provide agricultural extension officers to areas such as Namuswa, Singani and Siakabole as it was becoming difficult to know who was benefiting from the subsidised farming inputs.

Siamakumba further praised President Michael Sata for renaming three international airports after Dr Kenneth Kaunda, Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula and Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe.

"We, however, want him to also re-name Masuku Basic School at which the late Harry Mwanga Nkumbula taught in 1938 before he resigned to join politics. Looking at Choma as a birth place of politics, we also appeal to the President to tar the Choma-Masuku road," said Siamakumba.

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