
Saturday, October 08, 2011

Fr Chibuye calls for scrutiny of proposed DCs

Fr Chibuye calls for scrutiny of proposed DCs
By Moses Kuwema
Fri 07 Oct. 2011, 14:50 CAT

A MPIKA clergyman says the proposed list of district commissioners should be scrutinised before the final confirmation and inductions. The clergyman said some of the people on the list have serious political inclinations and are corrupt.

Commenting on the proposed list of district commissioners which has been released, Caritas director for Mpika Fr Patrick Chibuye said some of the people who had been proposed as possible candidates for the positions had pending administrative cases for alleged resource mismanagement.

Fr Chibuye (right) said the Public Service Commission should have been sincere when submitting the names before the President and created more room for scrutiny by proposing three names per district followed by an inquiry either from the districts or from the commission to get views on both their conduct before, during and after the just ended tripartite elections.

"It is so surprising that most of the civil servants especially the heads of government departments in key departments accepted to be used by MMD to campaign in the name of fostering development.

We have received reports within the province that some civil servants whose names are on this list were using their positions to intimidate the electorate to vote against PF; offices like the DEBS, DACO, and office of the community development were equally used to mobilise teachers, farmers and women clubs in rural areas," he said.

"They were told if they vote for PF the schools will be turned into private schools and that neither farmers would get their money nor benefit from this year's Farmers Input Support Programme."

Fr Chibuye said if the current list was to be regarded perfect, the country would have the same type of district commissioners it had during the MMD's reign.

He called on President Sata and his Cabinet to further scrutinise the proposed names by involving civil society organisations, churches and the general citizenry.

Fr Chibuye said this would help the new government to know the type of civil servants it would be dealing with at all levels.

Fr Chibuye called for a forensic audit in the former district commissioners' offices, saying there was too much corruption.

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