
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

(HERALD) ‘Dogs of war’ almost spoilt Samora’s party

‘Dogs of war’ almost spoilt Samora’s party
Sunday, 23 October 2011 01:48
By Munyaradzi Huni

CRY, oh cry, my beloved Africa! Did you see how the “dogs of war”, that some are insultingly calling “revolutionary fighters”, unleashed by the imperialist puppets calling themselves the National Transitional Council and armed by the highly discredited Nato with the evil blessings of the warmongers in Washington and London, killed Colonel Muammar Gaddafi in Libya last Thursday?

It was so barbaric, disgusting, devilish, heartless, stinking and stupid! Very, very stupid indeed!

Let’s get things straight here. Col Gaddafi was wrong not to allow democracy in his country. He was very wrong not to allow any elections over the 40 years that he was in power and he was very wrong not to allow any opposition party in Libya.

Very wrong indeed, but those “dogs of war” had no right to murder him like they were skinning a rat.

If bringing democracy to Libya meant killing Col Gaddafi, then Lord help Africa!
If Col Gaddafi was a murderer, then Libya has gone from one murderer to the other because the NTC murdered Col Gaddafi in front of the cameras.

Watching the imperialist television channels last Thursday evening, I began to understand why this world is full of suicide bombers. What were Col Gaddafi’s children, relatives and sympathisers thinking as they saw Col Gaddafi being murdered in such a callous way?

Despite all the barbarism, the UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-Moon, who will go down in history as one of the most useless secretaries-general at the supposedly international body, had the audacity to say this cold-bloodied murder was a “historic transition”.

US President Barack Obama took the lunacy to shocking levels when he addressed the media, saying: “We have achieved our goal. Nato mission will soon come to an end.”
So this was the goal. It was never about protecting the Libyans. It was about killing Gaddafi in the most dehumanising way. With that reckless and silly statement, I lost the little respect I still had for that sickening Uncle Tom.

Col Gaddafi’s murder was not a laughing matter. No normal human being should wish that to happen to any other human being.

There is nothing to celebrate.

Nothing at all, unless one needs urgent attention from the psychiatrist.
Last week I was in Maputo, Mozambique, during the international symposium to commemorate the 25th Anniversary of the death of that country’s founding father, President Samora Machel.

During that symposium, one professor from Eduardo Mondlane University asked: “If Samora Machel was here today, what do you think he would say about Mozambique in particular and Africa in general?”

The question was directed at Mozambique’s former president, Joachim Chissano, who quickly went into overdrive saying: “I always answer that question this way. Samora is not here.

“If he was alive he would have his brain functioning. Now he is not here, so I don’t know what he would say.”

Some delegates were not happy with Cde Chissano’s somewhat “arrogant” response and so when President Mugabe later responded to the above question, he received a standing ovation. As I watched the “dogs of war” murdering Col Gaddafi last Thursday, the prophetic words by President Mugabe rang in my ears.

“If Samora was here, perhaps he would say we have not done enough to develop our economies . . .

“He would say Africa is being attacked and you are saying nothing. Are you reversing the revolutionary deeds of the continent’s founding fathers?
“He would say what is happening in Libya is wrong. He would say it’s wrong for Europe to say it wants to correct the political system in Africa by doing what they are doing in Libya.

[LEFT: President Mugabe chats with Mrs Graca Machel at the Mozambican Heroes Square last week while Botswana President Ian Khama Seretse Khama (left) listens on. ]

LEFT: President Mugabe chats with Mrs Graca Machel at the Mozambican Heroes Square last week while Botswana President Ian Khama Seretse Khama (left) listens on.
“They are killing Gaddafi’s children and grandchildren. They are hunting for Gaddafi and they want to kill him? What has happened to the right of life?
“The UN is no longer as strong as it was.

“The AU is not as solid as the OAU was when it was formed . . . Some of our countries are supporting the action being taken against Gaddafi. It disgraces us, but I suppose it’s a phase we are going through,” said President Mugabe.

Well, two days after President Mugabe’s statement, the “dogs of war” whose only meaningful contribution to the supposed war was to shoot into the air for the cameras, killed Col Gaddafi in a way that will haunt them till death visits them.
Well, enough about Col Gaddafi.

God will punish the “dogs of war”, the puppets in the NTC and their imperialist sponsors who were hiding under the cover of Nato.

In Maputo, President Mugabe did not receive a standing ovation only after speaking about what Cde Machel would say about Mozambique and Africa if he was alive. Just like in South Africa, the people in Mozambique just adore President Mugabe.

He received lots of applause and praises from many delegates who before they gave their contributions at the symposium, started by saying: “I am so happy to have finally met you President Mugabe. You are my hero.”

President Mugabe clearly showed that he is a fountain of knowledge in the mould of people like Kwame Nkrumah, Julius Nyerere and Samora Machel because his contributions at the symposium left political science students from Eduardo Mondlane University calling for more.

Even the rector at the university, Mr Orlando Quilambo, was full of praise for the President after the presentations.

“We want to thank you President Mugabe for enriching this symposium with your vast experience and knowledge of Samora Machel. We are so grateful.”

Cde Machel’s widow, Graca, was also charmed by President Mugabe and, from the blue, she announced that she wanted the President to assist in the investigations to find out what really happened in the events leading to the death of her husband.

Cde Machel died in a plane crash in the Mbuzini Mountains on the border of Mozambique and South Africa when his Tupolev 134 crashed, leaving 34 people dead and only nine survivors. There was strong suspicion that the apartheid regime in South Africa was involved in the death of President Machel.

At least we know and we saw the “dogs of war” murdering Col Gaddafi on television. Will we ever know who killed Samora Moises Machel, the revolutionary whose legacy will forever shape African politics? - The Sunday Mail

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