
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Kunda must apologise to Sata, says Kapeya

Kunda must apologise to Sata, says Kapeya
By Roy Habaalu
Thu 20 Oct. 2011, 14:00 CAT

GEORGE Kunda must apologise for insulting President Michael Sata, Mpika Central PF member of parliament Mwansa Kapeya has said. Kapeya made his remarks on Tuesday in Parliament during the debate on the President's speech presented during the official opening of Parliament last week. Kapeya said God was punishing the MMD for its misrule.

"The punishment has just started, friends. With the losing of elections last month and in a couple of months to come, MMD will be completely dead and buried forever, thank you. God will punish them for having not listened to the wish of the Zambian people," Kapeya said.

At this point, Mumbwa Central MMD member of parliament Dr Brian
Chituwo rose on a point of order, asking whether or not Kapeya was in
order to talk about an issue which happened outside the House.
But Kapeya said the statement that "Sata would never rule Zambia" was
made in Parliament.

"I am mentioning the name of Honourable George Kunda because he said
this in here on the floor of this House that His Excellency Mr Michael
Chilufya Sata would never, ever rule this country, here in this
House," he said.

Kapeya said Kunda repeated the claim during a meeting at Kabala
village in Mpika.

During a campaign rally at Mombo Basic School in Mongu in July last
year when he went to drum up support for Mwangala Maopu, the MMD
candidate in the Luena by-election, Kunda, then vice-president, said
the country's opposition political parties were erratic, as they had
no vision or plan for the country.

"We are going to rule as MMD beyond 2030 whether you like it or not. I
was talking about Vision 2030. What that means is that we are going to
rule as MMD beyond 2030 whether you like it or not. These other
parties, Mr Michael Sata of PF, HH, we have never seen their
manifestos, we have never ever seen. Every day they are changing,
shifting goalposts…they are erratic. They have no plan for the
country," Kunda said.

Earlier, Petauke Central MMD member of parliament Dora Siliya
congratulated President Sata on his election as Republican President.

"I Dora Siliya representing the Nsenga people of Petauke wish to
congratulate the President, His Excellency Mr Michael Chilufya Sata
for showing such tenacity in leading the Patriotic Front from an
opposition party to a party in government within just 10 years. And we
on this side of the House wish Mr Sata God's blessings and guidance as
he leads our country Zambia," Siliya said.

During the run-up to last month's elections, Siliya spread falsehoods
that President Sata supported homosexuality and did not deserve to be

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